Comments from readers
By David E. Mentley, iSuppli/Stanford Resources
Friday 16 April 2004
  • Posted on Apr 22, 01:32

    HDMI is also worth mentioning. It fixes most of the shortcomings of DVI and is rolling out in most high-end Advanced TV now. BTW, component analog is still the most widely used HD interface among HDTV users.
  • Posted on Apr 29, 08:48

    HDMI is a superset of DVI and it includes 8 channel audio in a single connector. Perhaps because it is coming so soon after DVI acceptance, it is off to a very slow start right now.
  • Posted on Apr 29, 08:49

    The real key will be widespread implementation in A/V receivers, set-top boxes, game consoles as well as TVs - which will then be just big monitors. It will be nice to reduce the cable
    clutter that is now part of every home theater set-up.
  • Posted on Apr 17, 20:55

    How do you suppose those satellite HD viewers are getting ABC, NBC, PBS, the WB and UPN? Satellite HD viewers get their local digital affiliate over the air!
    DVI is unrecordable and unneeded. Why not support Firewire instead?
  • Posted on Apr 17, 04:06

    With the exception of S. Korea the rest of these countries and truly the rest of the world would do well to disregard the US digital transition. Most are using the world standard COFDM DVB-T. The US looks stupid using 8-VSB.
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