Comments from readers
Press release, January 30; Ricky Morris, DIGITIMES Asia
Tuesday 30 January 2007
  • Posted on Feb 1, 10:13

    Thecus has given us pricing at:

    1U4500S - MSRP US$1200
    1U4500R - MSRP US$1500

    This is for the US market. Other regions may have slight variations.
  • Posted on Feb 1, 09:37

    It's powered by an ULV Celeron M @ 1.5GHz and should cost just over US$1,000 afaik
  • Posted on Feb 1, 00:18

    Will this be using any of Intel's latest CPUs? If so, what kind of pricing are we looking at?
  • Posted on Jan 31, 18:06

    Me 2!
  • Posted on Jan 31, 18:06

    Wow, that looks sexy. I want one too!
  • Posted on Jan 31, 17:19

    I ditto that comment. Is there any pricing information?
  • Posted on Jan 31, 17:15

    This looks like a neat product.
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