Comments from readers
Press release, March 22; Ricky Morris, DIGITIMES Asia
Thursday 22 March 2007
  • Posted on Mar 23, 05:43

    so whats the big deal anyway?
    I hook up my widescreen TV to my PC and watch my vids via the TV out on my videocard.......why would I pay $300 for what is essentially a 40gig hard drive with a video out?....nice looking white box though ;)
  • Posted on Mar 23, 02:38

    Over at Highbrid Nation we have been talking the Apple TV and how unimpressed we are with it. I just don't believe that most people will be able to get much out of it. Too many issues to deal with.
  • Posted on Mar 23, 01:50

    I don't think it really is intended as a storage device, but rather to access the media stored on your pc.

  • Posted on Mar 23, 00:05

    And Jobs said, Let there be TV, and there was TV.
  • Posted on Mar 22, 22:49

    We are very excited about Apple TV and the possibility of quickly and easily bringing our great short films and movies from into the family room.
  • Posted on Mar 22, 21:46

    That seems a little expensive for what your getting, a 40GB hard drive won't hold that much, especially HD movies that I believe are about 8GB a piece. I already have all these features and more, with a remote , it's called an original Xbox with XBMC.
  • Posted on Mar 22, 21:43

    I think the Widescreen bit is misleading, I mean think about it... look at the resolutions (1) and secondly, HDMI is the only way the unit will be able to talk back and forth with the TV... so wouldn't it be safe to say that it will work on any TV...
  • Posted on Mar 22, 21:39

    So Apple built a small computer to do what geeks have been doing with frankenboxes and modded consoles for years? Guess they will market it as a smug superior choice in a pretty box for twice the cost. Guess there's one born every minute.
  • Posted on Mar 22, 20:29

    After reading the details on Apple's site about Apple TV, it is important to note, this product only works on WIDE SCREEN TV's. So much for the rest of us.
  • Posted on Mar 22, 20:01

    Windows has already done what Apple is now doing...oh, well I just guess that Bill Gates is still the software god...
    Excuse me, I need to go and download another Microsoft software right about 2 hours, (I have broadband internet )
  • Posted on Mar 22, 19:41

    Nice apple design as usual and will probably sell shed loads. Can't help but feel maybe Apple is playing catch up what with Orb software, Sling boxes and Microsoft media centre and relevant extenders. Will it play all formats?
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