Comments from readers
Marvin Ma, Taipei; Joseph Tsai, DIGITIMES Asia
Wednesday 3 June 2009
  • Posted on Jun 25, 18:55

    Low cost small notebook PC? Ah! It's a netbook!
  • Posted on Jun 4, 03:10

    Leave it to Microsoft to take something simple and make it complex: Netbook =low cost small notebook PC. So is this an attempt for Microsoft to make more money from its gizillion different versions of its OS?
  • Posted on Jun 4, 03:06

    Low cost small notebook PC? Doesn't really roll off the tongue. I don't think that will catch on like "Netbook" did.

  • Posted on Jun 4, 01:38

    Doesn't this occur to anyone that Microsoft is just simply arrogant? I think Microsoft should just let the hardware makers call the devices whatever they want and focus on making their software better.

  • Posted on Jun 4, 01:21

    Microsoft doesn't sell netbooks. When Microsoft starts building hardware, they can decide what to call the devices.
  • Posted on Jun 4, 01:14

    How about "CheapBook"? Don't think I'll be talking to my friends about the new "low cost small notebook PC" I just bought.

  • Posted on Jun 3, 23:14

    "Low cost small notebook PC" will never enter into our vernacular. "Netbook" is far easier to say.
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