Comments from readers
Monica Chen, Shanghai; Joseph Tsai, DIGITIMES Asia
Tuesday 27 April 2010
  • Posted on Apr 29, 08:23

    Nvidia = fail. Of course your 40nm yield is over 20%... you make cards like the GT210,220 & 240 on that node.

    He dodges the question of JUST Fermi's yields completely.... Lame nVidia, just lame
  • Posted on Apr 29, 04:21

    The GTX 470/480 aren't very significant improvements and they consume so much power. It seems like nVidia overclocked them in the factory to their thermal limits so they could beat the 5870 in a bench.
  • Posted on Apr 28, 07:32

    15-20W? Seriously? Who is he trying to fool? Why did the journalists let that slide?
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