Comments from readers
Monica Chen, Taipei; Joseph Tsai, DIGITIMES Asia
Friday 1 April 2011
  • Posted on Apr 2, 06:28

    I think its a pretty good bet that Microsoft CEO Ballmer will eventually fall to Apple over his failure to capture any of the mobile market. They guy should have been fired long ago.
  • Posted on Apr 2, 06:21

    The iPad is unable to grab market share in the enterprise???? So these netbook CEOs were selling only to consumers? What a bunch of hogwash. The iPad is making great strides in enterprise. My boss has one (instead of buying a netbook).
  • Posted on Apr 2, 03:16

    I could have sworn I read that at least half of the Fortune 500 (100?) companies were testing iPad v1. How is that not "enterprise?"
  • Posted on Apr 2, 00:16

    You've got to be kidding right?
    HP & Dell are having their butts handed to them, and are scrambling to remain relevant.
  • Posted on Apr 2, 00:09

    Hewlett-Packard (HP) and Dell,are still trying to put the tablet into the PC mold. It is not a PC and was never intended to be. But the I pad with custom apps is being accepted in the enterprise market at a higher rate then most people realize.
  • Posted on Apr 1, 23:52

    iPad is a real c-change. So far, it's mostly the netbook is being disrupted. Those little girly notebooks are really really hard to buy or want with the iPad around.

    Next though, 80% will quickly realize they don't need a PeeCee.
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