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Taiwan market: Dopod launches HTC's StarTrek smartphone

Wednesday 3 May 2006

Taiwan market: Dopod launches 818 Pro WiFi PDA phone

Thursday 12 January 2006

Dopod launches 818 Pro WiFi PDA phone

Wednesday 11 January 2006

Dopod introduces two more Wi-Fi GSM phones in November

Thursday 10 November 2005

Taiwan market: Dopod launches PDA phone

Wednesday 2 November 2005

Dopod: Number one 3G PDA phone in Taiwan

Thursday 22 September 2005

Dopod introduces its first 3G PDA phone in Taiwan

Thursday 15 September 2005

Dopod highlights 828 PDA phone 's strong music playing functionality

Friday 22 July 2005

Dopod rolls out Dopod 828 smartphone

Thursday 21 July 2005
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