Tuesday 25 June 2024
Made-in-US lithium battery cells show production delay
In-house production of lithium battery cells by some US-based manufacturers is not going as smoothly as expected due to delays in factory construction and manufacturing progress,...
Monday 22 January 2024
Japanese PSC materials firms ride solar wave, envision resurgence in 2030s
The Japanese-developed Perovskite Solar Cells (PSC) are the latest innovation in solar power technology. With enhanced practicality through technological evolution and strong government...
Wednesday 26 July 2023
US EV 'Battery Belt' forming: battery cell production to exceed 900 GWh by 2030
US government has enacted both the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), which not only aim to bolster the sales of electric vehicles but are also intended...
Friday 28 April 2023
Gus Technology not letting China, Japan, and Korea get ahead by building Taiwan's first GWh battery cell factory
In the face of a global energy transformation trend, the importance of the battery industry is growing every day. More and more countries are treating the sector as a national strategic...
Monday 17 April 2023
Formosa Smart Energy Tech builds domestic battery chain, breaks ground on Taiwan's largest battery cell plant
Formosa Smart Energy Tech (FSET), the sixth largest company under the Formosa Plastics Group, announced that it has invested over NT$16 billion (US$524 million) through its subsidiary...
Monday 14 March 2011
Japan earthquake: Battery cell prices likely to be pushed up, say Taiwan makers
Sony's two battery cell factories located in Fukushima prefecture, northeastern Japan, have stopped production in the wake of Friday's earthquake, and this may push up international...