Thursday 11 December 2014
Taiwan market: Driving recorder sales see polarized developments
The driving recorder market in Taiwan has seen polarized developments, with white-box makers competing for the sub-NT$2,000 (US$64) segment, and first-tier vendors focusing on the...
Monday 25 November 2013
Taiwan market: HP launches in-car video recorders
Hewlett-Packard (HP) has launched in-car video recorders in the Taiwan market at retail prices of NT$3,990-5,990 (US$135-203), according to retail channels.
Thursday 1 March 2012
Taiwan market: G.SOL launches PND+driving recorder
G.SOL Technology, a Taiwan-based developer of GPS navigation solutions, has unveiled Trywin DTN-3DX, a GPS PND with a built-in driving recorder developed by Japan-based Trywin, for...
Thursday 23 February 2012
Taiwan market: Demand for driving recorders to top 400,000 units in 2012
Sales of driving recorders - dashboard mounted cameras set to continuously record a driver's-eye view of the road - in the Taiwan market are expected to reach 400,000 units in 2012...