Friday 28 June 2024
Taiwanese official expects more ICT investments in India
A Taiwanese top official expects more suppliers in the ICT ecosystem to invest in India, as the bilateral economic ties are deepening because of global supply chain relocation.
Friday 31 May 2024
India sees third consecutive year of declining FDI inflows
In the past fiscal year, India experienced a decline in FDI inflows due to external factors and domestic investment saturation.
Monday 12 February 2024
Vietnam wins big thanks to China+1 strategy
Vietnam is regarded as a prime partner for businesses seeking alternatives to China amid US-Sino trade tensions.
Wednesday 15 November 2023
Indian FDI inflow in IT software and hardware experiences sharp drop
According to official data, India saw its FDI in the computer software and hardware sector surpassed by the services sector, signaling a diminished momentum to attract foreign electronics...