Each year, SEMICON has become a platform for industry players to showcase their advancements and evolved into a stage for nations participating in the global chip war to demonstrate...
Compound semiconductor epitaxial wafer (epi-wafer) manufacturer IQE is swiftly adjusting its global strategy by expanding outside its UK base in response to geopolitical volatility...
IQE, a leading British manufacturer of compound semiconductor epitaxial wafers (epi-wafer), has announced that its Taiwanese operating subsidiary IQE Taiwan will launch an initial...
UK compound semiconductor firm CEO Americo Lemos said that IQE is aiming to establish Taiwan as an important development base for compound semiconductors in Asia to overcome the changing...
All the new iPhone series for 2023 are very likely to feature Dynamic Island display technology, but Taiwanese partners in the supply chain, such as camera modules...
Global semiconductor and electronics sectors have been in a downturn since the onset of 2022. Companies in Taiwan's compound semiconductor sector, such as WIN Semiconductors and VPEC,...
Taiwan's compound semiconductor foundry houses and epi-wafer suppliers show different views about when market demand will rebound in 2023, after seeing their shipments of handset-use...
With third-generation compound semiconductors SiC and GaN increasingly used in power devices for electric vehicle (EV) and server applications, international IDMs are actively migrating...