Taiwan is set to make its mark in deep space exploration with its first-ever lunar mission, scheduled for launch this December. The project, led by Professor Loren Chang, Department...
During TASTI 2023 (Taiwan International Assembly of Space Science, Technology, and Industry), a representative from NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) shed light...
Hiroshi Yamakawa, the President of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), recently addressed in Taiwan Innotech Expo 2023. He underscored the significance of global collaboration...
In response to the consecutive initiation of lunar exploration projects by countries such as the United States, China, Japan, and India, experts believe that Taiwan may find it challenging...
In recent years, as technology has advanced, an increasing number of nations have ventured into lunar exploration. Following the successful independent development and launch of the...
Lari Cujko, the startup program lead at the European Space Resources Innovation Centre (ESRIC), recently visited Taiwan to share insights about the world's pioneering incubator dedicated...
Following the release of the new national aerospace policy by the United States in 2003, which signified NASA's gradual withdrawal from low Earth orbit (LEO) activities in favor of...