Monday 12 June 2023
Innolux subsidiary CarUX obtains new IoV security certification
Innolux has announced that its subsidiary CarUX has obtained TUV NORD ISO/SAE 21434 Cybersecurity certification, the first top-tier smart auto display supplier to do so.
Thursday 21 January 2021
To combat cybersecurity threats to industrial automation and IoV devices, suppliers should keep abreast of the latest standards and begin early preparation
Digital transformation of the manufacturing sector driven by Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and autonomous driving enabled by Internet of Vehicles (IoV) are key focus areas...
Thursday 27 June 2019
IC equipment distributor Spirox stands to gain from trade war
Taiwan-based Spirox, which distributes IC packaging and testing equipment, stands to benefit from the US-China trade war as it has seen a fast pickup in orders from China semiconductor...
Thursday 30 May 2019
5G spurring tech advancements at suppliers
The coming of the 5G era promises drastic changes to people's lives, but all these changes will not come without equipment, device and component suppliers making advances in their...
Friday 21 December 2018
Suppliers eyeing opportunities in automotive market should begin early preparation for new edition of ISO 26262
As automotive electronics come with increasing levels of integration and complexity, the upcoming second edition of ISO 26262 will include a new section, Part 11, laying out guidelines...
Monday 17 July 2017
TUV NORD calls upon vendors to prepare for growing importance of Automotive SPICE
Electronic systems account for an increasing share of automotive parts and therefore software plays a growingly important role in car safety and performance. To ensure the quality...
Friday 2 June 2017
Taiwan ICT industry gaining momentum with growing connected car technology investments
Consumers are connected anywhere and anytime through their smartphones or other mobile devices. They rely on that connectivity to get the latest information. Such a trend is spreading...
Tuesday 17 January 2017
TUV NORD launches SECURITY 4 SAFETY service to build Industry 4.0 foundation for customers
With the development of Industry 4.0, products, manufacturing equipment, and critical infrastructures of the future will all be connected. These interconnected systems require a protection...
Tuesday 27 December 2016
ASE obtains ISO 26262 for its Kaohsiung site
Advanced Semiconductor Engineering (ASE) has obtained the ISO 26262 certification from TUV Nord for its Kaohsiung, southern Taiwan facility, according to the packaging and testing...
Thursday 17 November 2016
TUV NORD provides complete supply chain solutions to help Taiwan makers grasp automobile electronics opportunities
In response to the rapid advancement and increasingly sophisticated functions of automobile electronic systems, ISO 26262 standard, which was released in 2011, provides a complete...
Samsung expands mobile phone production beyond Asian countries, says DIGITIMES Research
SLMs to increase presence in GenAI business opportunities, says DIGITIMES Research
Generative AI market to reach US$1.5 trillion by 2030 with Taiwan holds hardware advantage; software and services to see promising future, says DIGITIMES Research