Sony Semiconductor Solutions Corporation is the world's largest supplier of CIS, which provides driving information through image sensing and serves as a reference for driver assistance and autonomous driving. It will also mass produce SPAD sensors for Lidar, mainly for autonomous driving applications. In addition to semiconductors, Sony has also demonstrated its plans for electric vehicles with the Vision-S concept car and has further established a subsidiary Sony Mobility to develop electric vehicles. In June 2022, Sony Mobility announced a joint venture, Sony Honda Mobility, with Honda to launch electric vehicles by 2025.
Business Info
IndustryConsumer Electronics
Place of ResidenceJapan
Market Cap - End of 2022 ($M) 96,595
2021 Revenue ($M)89,753
Rank of 2021 Revenue8
2021 Profit ($M)7,925
Rank of 2021 Profit5