Taiwan academia unveils smart 3D printing speed control technology

Chloe Liao, Taipei; Willis Ke, DIGITIMES Asia

Da-Yeh University in central Taiwan has developed a smart control technology that can automatically adjust 3D printing parameters in accordance with temperature changes in external environment, and adjust printing speed.

The technology is among 70 R&D achievements accomplished under an academia-industry collaboration project supported by Taiwan's Ministry of Science and Technology.

YW Chen, dean of Da-Yeh's College of Engineering, said that as temperature and speed are the two crucial parameters affecting 3D printing quality, his R&D team has joined forces with the Plastics Industry Development Center (PIDC) to work out the smart control system to improve 3D printing performance.

Chen said that sensors are utilized to detect temperature and humidity changes in external environments and then the detection results are incorporated into the printing command language to automatically adjust the speed ratio, enabling control of printing speed changes.