Friday 19 March 2021
IC designers may hike quotes to reflect further foundry cost increases
Taiwan's IC design houses will have no other choice but to directly pass increased costs to downstream clients if their foundry partners raise quotes again in the second half of the...
Thursday 18 March 2021
Analog IC vendor Silergy to score record revenues, profits in 2021
Analog IC design house Silergy is expected to see its revenues and profits hit record highs in 2021 thanks to significant product mix improvement and strong demand for handset, datacenter,...
Wednesday 3 March 2021
IC design houses passing on rising production costs to clients
Rising foundry and backend quotes are prompting IC design houses to make efforts to pass on higher production costs to customers, according to industry sources in Taiwan.
Monday 22 February 2021
Analog IC vendors brace for strong sales in 2021
Most Taiwan-based analog IC design houses are likely to see double-digit growths for their revenues and profits in 2021, judging from their clear order visibility, according to industry...
Friday 19 February 2021
TSMC agrees to rush shipments to automotive chip customers
TSMC has agreed to give top priority to orders placed by its automotive chip clients, giving them SHR (super hot run) status, according to sources at Taiwan-based analog IC firms.
Tuesday 5 January 2021
Taiwan IC design houses see demand for mining chips pick up
Taiwan-based IC design service providers and analog chip suppliers have seen demand for mining chips start picking up recently, according industry sources.
Monday 28 December 2020
Taiwan analog IC firms to enjoy strong 1H21
Taiwan-based analog IC design houses, including MOSFET chip specialists, may have seen their sales growth constrained by tight capacity at 8-inch foundries in the second half of 2020,...
Monday 7 September 2020
Leading IC suppliers vary on 2H20 growth expectations
Most IC suppliers experienced weaker demand and generally poor sales results in the first half of 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic and strained US-China trade relations. However,...
Tuesday 21 July 2020
Taiwan analog IC firms optimistic about demand for Chromebook
Taiwan-based analog IC firms are generally optimistic about demand for consumer notebooks, particularly Chromebook, in the third quarter of 2020.
Friday 29 May 2020
TI remains top analog IC supplier
With analog sales of US$10.2 billion and a 19% market share, Texas Instruments held a firm grip on its position as the leading supplier of analog devices in 2019, according to IC...
Friday 29 May 2020
Taiwan analog IC firms to post revenue growth in 2020
Taiwan-based analog IC suppliers, pinpointed as among the beneficiaries of US-China trade tensions, are expected to post impressive revenue results for 2020 despite coronavirus headwinds,...
Monday 27 April 2020
China analog IC startup applies for listing on Shanghai STAR board
China-based 3PEAK, a fabless chipmaker specializing in analog ICs, has applied to be listed on the science and technology innovation board (STAR) of China's Shanghai Stock Exchange...
Friday 27 March 2020
Taiwan fabless chipmakers see unclear order visibility for 2Q20
Taiwan-based IC design houses remain cautious about overall customer demand in the second quarter judging from limited order visibility, according to industry sources.
Tuesday 10 March 2020
Eight-inch foundry delivery lead time extended
Eight-inch wafer fabs' delivery times have extended to more than 12 weeks to reflect their tight capacity, according to sources at Taiwan-based analog IC firms. The lead times were...
Wednesday 20 November 2019
Taiwan analog IC firms see orders for fast-charging devices pick up from China
Taiwan-based analog IC specialists have recently seen orders mainly short lead-time ones for fast-charging solutions pick up from China's high-tech industry, which is looking to reduce...