Friday 31 May 2024
Taiwan businesses urged to shine on global ESG stage
As the urgency of addressing climate change and sustainability issues grows, companies face increasing pressure to adopt comprehensive carbon strategies and embrace ESG principles.
Wednesday 20 March 2024
Taiwan's Smart City Summit & Expo 2024 attracts global carbon trading leaders
Smart City Summit & Expo 2024 has convened Taiwan's financial institutions...
Wednesday 20 March 2024
Strategizing sustainability: insights from Deloitte and BCSD Taiwan
Tony Mo, Secretary General of the Business Council for Sustainable Development (BCSD Taiwan), recently convened with industry leaders to discuss the imperative for comprehensive sustainability...
Tuesday 19 March 2024
From 200 companies to 23,000: CDP's journey in carbon emission disclosure
Nicolette Bartlett, Chief Impact Officer at CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project), emphasized the importance of measuring and managing carbon emissions and sustainability efforts. Bartlett...
Tuesday 16 January 2024
Taiwan's hydrogen energy: high expectations meet technical hurdles
Hydrogen is the buzzword in the energy sector again. Despite being a prevalent topic in market discourse, the actual implementation and progress along the supply chain have fallen...
Thursday 30 November 2023
Combogic Tech. supports supply chain net zero initiative with AI-powered carbon management platform
Net zero emission has become a global initiative with many countries having made net-zero pledges. Both public and private sectors are stepping up their efforts to reduce CO2 emissions...
Friday 4 August 2023
Taiwan to launch carbon exchange in Aug 2023
As the era of carbon pricing draws near, Taiwan is keeping pace with international trends by officially establishing a carbon exchange on August 7, 2023. This move will bring related...
Wednesday 25 March 2009
Most enterprises are in denial about carbon management, Gartner says
A high proportion of IT professionals responsible for "green IT" programs are unsure whether their enterprises are considering carbon pricing, according to Gartner. A recent...