Large-size display driver ICs (DDI) demand is unlikely to pick up until the end of 2022, as continuous inventory adjustments at clients and production reductions by panel makers are...
Taiwan-based backend houses have seen demand for large-size display driver ICs (DDI) and touch and display driver integration (TDDI) chips decelerate due to weakness in the TV, notebook,...
More Taiwan-based display driver IC suppliers are expected to obtain OLED DDI orders from Samsung Electronics in 2023, as the Korea-based vendor's supply shortfall will worsen, according...
Taiwan-based display driver IC (DDI) backend specialists ChipMOS Technologies and Chipbond Technology remain upbeat about their business prospects in the second quarter of 2022, despite...
Chinese brand mobile phone vendors have further cut chip orders for the second quarter, casting a shadow over the demand prospects for the second half of the year, according to sources...
TDDI (touch/display driver integration) chip prices have fallen further in the first quarter of 2022, as brand handset vendors with excess inventories of such chips have slowed the...
While demand for DDI (display driver ICs) used in TVs and Chromebooks has turned relatively weak, there is little room for prices for DDI used in TV-, monitor- and notebook-use panels...
Outsourced semiconductor assembly and test (OSAT) service providers, such as ChipMOS Technologies and Chipband Technology, feel difficult to hike quotes for display driver ICs (DDI)...
Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic, the global electronics supply chain has been bogged down by the effects of the "broken chain," uneven component supply, and frequent price...