Taiwan's on-year economic growth for fourth-quarter 2015 is estimated at -0.28%, downward adjusted by 0.77pp from a previous forecast in November, according to the Directorate General...
Taiwan's economic growth rate, on-year growth in GDP, for the fourth quarter of 2015 is forecast at 0.49%, downward adjusted 1.41pp from the preceding forecast in August, according...
Taiwan's economic on-year GDP growth for third-quarter 2015 has been downward adjusted from 0.10% estimated in August 2015 to -1.01%, according to the Directorate General of Budget,...
Taiwan's economic growth rate, on-year growth in GDP, for the second quarter of 2015 has been downward adjusted from 0.64% estimated in July, to 0.52%, according to the Directorate...
Taiwan's economic growth rate, on-year growth in GDP, for the first quarter of 2015 has been downward adjusted from 3.46% estimated in April 2015 to 3.37%, according to the Directorate...
Taiwan's economic growth rate, on-year growth in GDP, for the fourth quarter of 2014 has been upward adjusted from 3.17% estimated in January 2015 to 3.35%, according to the Directorate...
Taiwan's on-year economic growth rate has been downwardly adjusted for the fourth quarter of 2014 from the 3.08% estimated in August 2014 to 2.83%, according to the Directorate General...
Taiwan's economic growth rate, on-year growth in GDP, in the second quarter of 2014 has been upward adjusted from 2.79% estimated in May 2014 to 3.84%, according to an advance estimate...
Taiwan's economic growth rate, on-year growth in GDP, in the first quarter of 2014 has been upward adjusted from 3.04% estimated in April 2014 to 3.14%, according to preliminary estimates...
Taiwan's economic growth rate, on-year growth in GDP, in the first quarter of 2014 has been upward adjusted from 3.02% estimated in February 2014 to 3.04%, according to advance estimates...
Taiwan's economic growth rate, on-year growth in GDP, in the fourth quarter of 2013 has been upward adjusted from 1.22% forecast in November 2013 to 2.92%, according to estimates...
Taiwan recorded economic growth of 1.66% in third-quarter 2013, lower than the previous 2.47% forecast made in August, according to the Directorate General of Budget, Accounting and...
Taiwan's economic growth rate, on-year growth in GDP, in the second quarter of 2013 has been upward adjusted from 1.98% forecast in May 2013 to 2.49%, according to estimates released...
Taiwan's economic growth rate, on-year growth in GDP, in the first quarter of 2013 has been upward adjusted from 1.54% estimated in April 2013 to 1.54%, according to estimates released...
Taiwan's economic growth rate, on-year growth in GDP, in the first quarter of 2013 has been downward adjusted from 3.26% estimated in February 2013 to 1.54%, according to estimates...