Amid rising geopolitical tensions, the global semiconductor sector is witnessing an intense chip war across multiple regions, with a critical shortage of skilled talent emerging as...
In an unsettling turn of events, Lebanon experienced a wave of explosions on September 17 and 18 involving pagers, walkie-talkies, and other consumer electronics, resulting in dozens...
The competitive pressure on the automobile sectors in China, Europe, and the US has increased. In response, Taiwanese chipmakers involved in crucial supply chains seek breakthrough...
Taiwan's silicon carbide (SiC) wafer foundry sector has received a confidence boost after Vanguard International Semiconductor (VIS), a specialty foundry affiliated with TSMC, announced...
A list of "Accredited Suppliers" for semiconductor design, wafer foundry, packaging, and testing, among other services, was recently published by the Defense Microelectronics Activity...
Yageo Chairman Pierre Chen boldly declared, "Yageo is no longer the company you once knew." As the leading passive component manufacturer continues its transformation, Yageo is positioning...
Before 2020, almost all smartphones incorporated LTPS technology for their AMOLED panels. However, many manufacturers are turning to LTPO, especially now that generative AI (GenAI)...
Europe's homegrown lithium battery sector is grappling with widening losses as electric vehicle (EV) demand slows and automakers face challenges in their transition to electrificat...
STMicroelectronics, while expanding production capacities in France and Italy, is also collaborating with Sanan Optoelectronics to establish a SiC fab in Chongqing, underscoring China's...
Thailand is set to make a significant stride in the semiconductor industry with the establishment of its first silicon carbide (SiC) wafer factory, which is expected to begin operation...
At its September 19 board meeting, Taiwan's Central Bank emphasized Taiwan's critical role in maintaining its semiconductor dominance amid escalating US-China trade tensions in technology...
The US Department of Commerce (DOC) recently proposed a ban on automotive software and hardware technology and equipment from China and Russia entering the US market. Sino Auto Insights...
ODMs without US manufacturing capabilities have initiated active procurement discussions following AMD's acquisition of ZT Systems, with the upcoming US presidential election potentially...
Leading OEM and automobile firms, including Foxconn, BYD, and Xiaomi, are showcasing their collaborative robots (cobots) at the 2024 China International Industry Fair (CIIF), held...
Despite a positive outlook for the memory market, driven largely by data centers, Micron anticipates Samsung Electronics' entry into the HBM market and is shifting toward higher-value...