Thursday 22 August 2013
Output value of Taiwan panel industry expected to drop in 3Q13, says IEK
The output value of Taiwan's panel industry is expected to drop on quarter during the third quarter of 2013 due to decreasing prices for large-size panels as well as to LCD TV subsidies...
Tuesday 20 August 2013
Panel key component industry production value increases 3.7% in Taiwan during 2Q13, says IEK
The production value of key components used for panel applications in Taiwan reached NT$133.44 billion (US$4.45 billion) in the second quarter of 2013, up 3.7% on quarter, according...
Friday 16 August 2013
Taiwan 3Q13 IC backend production value to register slight growth, says IEK
The production value of Taiwan's IC packaging and testing industry sectors will register sequential growth of 4.6% and 4.3%, respectively, in the third quarter of 2013, according...
Monday 3 June 2013
Taiwan PCB production value rises 3% in 2Q13, says IEK
The production value of PCBs produced by Taiwan-based companies in Taiwan and China came to NT$119 billion (US$4 billion) in the second quarter of 2013, increasing 3% from the previous...
Tuesday 21 May 2013
Taiwan panel industry output value worth US$7.86 billion in 1Q13, says IEK
The output value of Taiwan's panel industry reached NT$234.47 billion (US$7.86 billion) in the first quarter of 2013, down 7.5% on quarter, according to the Industrial Economics &...
Monday 25 February 2013
Taiwan 4Q12 FPD production value up 4.4%, says IEK
Taiwan's flat panel display (FPD) industry generated total production value of NT$387.04 billion (US$13.1 billion) in the fourth quarter of 2012, increasing 4.4% on quarter, according...
Thursday 21 February 2013
Taiwan passive component production value to grow slightly in 1Q13, says IEK
Taiwan's production value of passive components is expected to edge up 2.71% sequentially to NT$25 billion (US$844.6 million) in the first quarter of 2013, the Industrial Economics...
Thursday 17 January 2013
In-cell touch technology to be used in 170 million handsets during 2013, says IEK
Approximately 170 million handsets sold in 2013 are expected to use in-cell touch technology, according to the Industrial Economics and Knowledge Center (IEK) under the Taiwan government-sponsored...
Wednesday 26 December 2012
MLCC, chip resistor prices stabilized; outlook remains dim for 2013
Prices of MLCCs (multilayer ceramic chip capacitors) and chip resistors have stabilized recently in light of decreased demand from the downstream sector but it remains to be seen...
Friday 30 November 2012
Taiwan 4Q12 FPD production value to rise 7.1% sequentially, says IEK
Taiwan's FPD (flat panel display) production value in the fourth quarter of 2012 will reach NT$396.97 billion (US$13.5 billion), increasing 7.1% on quarter, and leading to a production...
Friday 23 November 2012
Taiwan PCB production value to edge up less than 3% in 2013
The production value of PCBs produced by Taiwan-based companies in Taiwan and China will reach NT$534 billion (US$18.3 billion) in 2013, increasing 2.58% from the previous year, according...
Friday 23 November 2012
Taiwan LED industry output in 4Q12 to fall slightly, says IEK
According to the Industrial Economics and Knowledge Center (IEK), Taiwan's total LED industry output value in the third quarter of 2012 was NT$24.2 billion (US$830 million), representing...
Friday 23 November 2012
Taiwan 3Q12 FPD production value over NT$370 billion, says IEK
Taiwan's flat panel display (FPD) industry generated total production value of NT$370.67 billion (US$12.5 billion) in the third quarter of 2012, increasing by 12.5% on quarter, according...
Tuesday 20 November 2012
Taiwan IC backend production value to dip in 4Q12, says IEK
The production value of Taiwan's IC packaging and testing industry sectors registered sequential growth of 2% and 2.3%, respectively, in the third quarter of 2012, according to data...
Wednesday 7 November 2012
Taiwan production value of passive components to drop nearly 8% in 2012, says IEK
Taiwan's production value of passive components will drop 7.8% on year to NT$102.53 billion (US$3.45 billion) in 2012 before edging up 2-3% to NT$106.39 billion in 2013, according...