Tuesday 28 June 2011
Solar industry in adjustment period: Q&A with Motech chairman Simon Tsuo
Yuan-Huai Simon Tsuo, chairman of Motech has been viewed as an important figure in the development of the solar industry in Taiwan. Tsuo commented on the gloomy market in the first...
Monday 27 June 2011
Consumer products to adopt solar panels
Following Apple's footsteps in installing solar panels in consumer products, Samsung has introduced the first solar panel netbook, NC215S.
Friday 24 June 2011
Delta Electronics 40th Anniversary Technology Symposium: 'To provide innovative, clean and efficient energy solutions for a better tomorrow'
Delta Electronics, Inc. was founded in 1971 as a leading producer of switching power supplies and ventilation products. Delta has been focusing on innovation of new technology and...
Friday 24 June 2011
Polysilicon suppliers face dilemma over price drops
Quotes for polysilicon have been facing downward pressure and are likely to drop below US$50/kg.
Thursday 23 June 2011
Solar wafer firms defending price level of US$2 per unit
With price of solar wafers continuing to decrease, Taiwan-based wafer firms are still keeping their quotes above US$2.00/unit. But wafer firms are likely to incur loss if the price...
Thursday 23 June 2011
Neo Solar posts net losses in April, May
Solar cell maker Neo Solar Power has posted net losses of NT$321 million (US$11 million) in May, widening from losses of NT$104 million in April. Combined losses for the two months...
Tuesday 21 June 2011
British, Taiwan solar firms to hold seminar
The British Trade and Cultural Office (BTCO) in Taiwan will be holding "UK Solar PV Market Development Seminar" in Taiwan on June 21. The purpose of the seminar is to introduce...
Friday 17 June 2011
Slower growth for solar market from 2011-2020, says CEPD
Taiwan's Council for Economic Planning and Development (CEPD) has been assessing data from international agencies such as International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), United Nations...
Thursday 16 June 2011
Taiwan environmental groups petition for referendum on nuclear abolishment
Italy's recent referendum saw 94% of votes against nuclear power, making Italy the third country in the world, after Switzerland and Germany, to abandon plans for nuclear power.
Thursday 16 June 2011
Solar market in 2H11 depends on new incentive plans in Germany
New incentive plans for July 1 will be announced soon by the government of Germany. As Germany is one of the largest markets for solar power, the announcement will likely determine...
Wednesday 15 June 2011
Italy votes against nuclear power
Italy held a referendum from June 12-13 and 95% of the citizens voted against nuclear power. Italy became the second largest industrial country to abandon the nuclear power projects...
Wednesday 15 June 2011
Quotes for 6-inch polysilicon wafers in China fall below US$2
Latest rumors in the solar market indicate quotes for 6-inch polysilicon wafers in China are falling below US$2/unit while inventory levels remain high.
Tuesday 14 June 2011
Taiwan launches new research vessel for tapping marine energy resources
The Taiwan Ocean Research Institute (TORI) under the government-sponsored National Applied Research Laboratories has launched a new marine research ship specifically to explore the...
Tuesday 14 June 2011
Taiflex reports falling May revenues
Taiflex Scientific reported May revenues of NT$404 million (US$14 million), a 32% decrease on month and 31% decrease on year. Taiflex stated the decrease in May revenues was due to...
Wednesday 8 June 2011
Taiwan debates over necessity of nuclear power
Arguments over the use nuclear power have been heating up in Taiwan since Japan's earthquake on March 11. Germany's recent announcement of shutting down all nuclear power plants before...