Tuesday 30 January 2024
Mastering offshore wind: four key strategies for success
In the dynamic landscape of renewable energy, Taiwan emerges as a key player in the offshore wind power arena. Lucas Lin, Chairman of Synera Renewable Energy (SRE), said the island...
Monday 22 January 2024
Japanese PSC materials firms ride solar wave, envision resurgence in 2030s
The Japanese-developed Perovskite Solar Cells (PSC) are the latest innovation in solar power technology. With enhanced practicality through technological evolution and strong government...
Monday 8 January 2024
The dominance of China's solar industry: casting a shadow upon the global supply chain
In the pursuit of energy security and a strategic shift away from China's dominance with 85% of the global solar panel market share, both Europe and the United States are actively...
Thursday 21 December 2023
Taya Group forecasts energy-related profits of up to US$320 million by 2026
Taya Group has set ambitious goals for the coming years, focusing on a dual transformation strategy with energy and ventures at its core. By 2026, the company aims to achieve a substantial...
Wednesday 20 December 2023
Shifting tides: the challenges reshaping solar and EV industries in the West
The future appeared bright for solar energy (PV) and electric vehicles (EV) over the past few years. However, unexpected market developments have triggered concerns among supply chains...
Monday 11 December 2023
US weighs tariffs on global aluminum: potential impact on solar manufacturing and supply chains
The US Department of Commerce is gearing up to impose anti-dumping (AD) and countervailing (CVD) duties on aluminum extrusions from 15 countries, including China, Mexico, Turkey,...
Monday 11 December 2023
Chinese solar module market sees intense competition as prices fall below CNY 1
The Chinese solar module market is currently experiencing intense price competition, with large module projects seeing bidding prices fall below CNY 1, causing a stir in the industry...
Friday 1 December 2023
Avilon solar panel inspection in Thailand
Avilon Intelligence, a leading drone manufacturer, has introduced its new service for solar panel inspection. Through collaboration with Qualcomm, Avilon has developed a proprietary...
Wednesday 15 November 2023
The scale of China's solar energy capacity that meets global demand for the next decade?
In 2024, China is poised to achieve a total solar industry capacity of 1,000 GW, a level that can meet global demand for the next decade. Despite Europe and the US grappling with...
Monday 13 November 2023
How solar fish farms boost Taiwan's energy transition
Since Taiwan published its "Pathway to Net-Zero Emissions in 2050" early last year, the region has made great strides toward a wider adoption of renewable energy. In March 2023, the...
Monday 30 October 2023
Circular economy (1)Recycling of solar panels (part 1)
Circular economy is an economic system focusing on the reuse or regeneration of products or materials. The concept is to extend the life cycle of materials and products through 5Rs--reducing,...
Friday 20 October 2023
Sharp's lawsuit Against Trina Solar signals the need for Taiwanese PV import regulations
Reports from international sources have shed light on a legal battle within the ICC International Court of Arbitration, where Sharp has initiated a lawsuit against Chinese solar PV...
Tuesday 17 October 2023
United Renewable Energy to finalize its new Group 3 compound semiconductor business plan by end of the year
Sam Hong, Chairman of United Renewable Energy (URE), announced on October 16 that the firm is looking to expand into new business areas and the first field under consideration is...
Friday 6 October 2023
TSGC establishes circular economy ecosystem - exclusive technology solves the challenges of end-of-life PV panels
The world has come to a consensus over the importance of developing renewable energies to mitigate the greenhouse effect and decrease our over-reliance on fossil fuels. In particular,...
Wednesday 27 September 2023
No incineration, no pollution! TSGC Technologies develops solar panel recycling equipment to realize recycling and reuse
Countries around the world are promoting renewable energy, for which solar power accounts for over half of green electricity. However, solar panels have a service life of less than...