Arima EcoEnergy Technologies (ArimaEco), a Taiwan-based producer of GaAs high-concentration photovoltaic (HCPV) modules, will begin to ship products to Spain-based ISFOC in early...
In the global spot market for solar cells, prices have slipped by 5-10% from US$3.6-3.8/watt to US$3.2-3.4/watt in the past two weeks because of slackening demand in Spain in response...
The enforcement of the Electricity Feed-in (renewable energy premium) Bill (Royal Decree 661/2007) in Spain, the incentive offered by the Spanish government for adoption of solar...
Neo Solar Power believes Italy has the potential to be the next solar-cell demand driver, since Spain is about to end its governmet subsidy program, while demand from Japan is also...
Spot pricing for solar cells has surged by over 10% in a month with a premium of almost 20% over contract quotes. The upsurge is due to a rapid order pull-in from system maker wishing...