SpaceX's satellite communication service, Starlink, has embarked on an ambitious expansion journey, with a keen focus on penetrating the lucrative Southeast Asian market. The service...
In the relentless surge of AI, spearheaded by the ascent of Large Language Models (LLMs), a transformative wave is sweeping through industries, igniting fresh prospects, particularly...
Communications technology has long been integral to warfare, and the wartime resilience of telecommunications infrastructure is especially critical as it underpins military Command,...
South Korea's telecom powerhouses, SK Telecom, KT, and LG U+, are supercharging their efforts in AI, rolling out cutting-edge large and small language models (LLM and SLM) to stake...
In the cutthroat world of telecommunications, a seismic shift is underway. With its promise of openness and flexibility, Open Radio Access Network (Open Radio Access Network) is challenging...
China Telecommunications Group has secured the green light from the International Telecommunication Union to obtain coveted international codes for its satellite operations. The company...
The Japan-based telecommunication company NTT Docomo and others are promoting the application of Open RAN technology in communication infrastructure, becoming one of the topics at...