Taiwan-based passive component makers continue to experience sluggish demand for consumer electronics, placing their hopes on demand for automotive applications to fuel second-half...
With the overall economy yet to improve and customer inventory adjustments continuing, passive component suppliers have called 2023 a year where "the slack season is slacking, but...
Taiwan's top passive components maker Yageo has delivered a cautious sales outlook for the third quarter of the year, with terminal market demand recovery still in low gear, but the...
The book-to-bill ratio for multi-layer ceramic capacitors (MLCC) has risen to 0.91 on average from 0.84 in April, as orders from ODM customers have resumed, according to sources at...
Passive components sector is poised for substantial growth as the transition from internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles to electric vehicles (EVs) and autonomous vehicles (AVs)...
Passive component makers Yageo and Walsin Technology, which both experienced over 10% year-over-year revenue declines in the first half of 2023, will strive for a second-half sales...
Taiwan-based CMOS imagery sensor (CIS) packaging giant Tong Hsing Electronics, an affiliate of the Yageo Group, has been working actively to make adjustments to its shareholding in...
Inventory adjustments for passive components are ongoing amid unfavorable macro conditions, according to Yageo chairman Pierre Chen, who anticipates L-shaped recovery in the second...
Advanced Power Electronics is looking to grow sales of its automotive products, which currently accounts for less than 3% of revenue, according to the Taiwan-based MOSFET company.
Passive component vendor Yageo expects its revenue to stay flat or post slight sequential gains in the second quarter of 2023, as the gross margin and operating margin will increase...
Passive component company Yageo has announced plans to invest EUR205 million (US$224.8 million) over the next ten years in the establishment of new factories in Macedonia.
Automotive and other high-margin products will be critical in boosting sales at Taiwan-based passive component suppliers in 2023, according to industry sources.