Page 2
Page 2 offers content beyond the scope of the daily news content provided by DIGITIMES. Extended content includes insights into industry players, musings on the market in the form of blogs, commentaries, and market gossip, and commentary on issues outside of the high-tech industry.
Friday 9 July 2010
Disgruntled China PC player takes aim at Intel
Local China-based PC player Hedy recently took to the media to voice its displeasure with Intel and make allegation of misuse of the chip giant's market development fund (MDF) in...
Monday 7 June 2010
Impression: The rise of e-book readers and 3D TVs?
I can't say I was too impressed by the display gadgets shown at the just concluded Computex 2010. Actually I didn't expect much before going to the show.
Monday 22 March 2010
Commentary: WPG-Yosun merger a win-win deal
WPG Holdings and Yosun Industrial, Asia's largest and second largest IC distributors, announced their merger at a right time, which is expected to consolidate operations of both companies...
Friday 5 February 2010
Gigabyte launches P55 motherboard stuffed with extras
Gigabyte has launched a new flagship motherboard for the Intel P55 chipset platform, the GA-P55A-UD7, which continues the tradition of the company's UD7-series of packing as many...
Friday 22 January 2010
Asustek motherboards choking on rusty components
SemiAccurate appears to have uncovered reports of a potentially serious issue with certain...
Thursday 21 January 2010
More on Nokia shifting power amplifier orders to Skyworks
A source close to Nokia has challenged parts of a recent Digitimes report that Skyworks will be the beneficiary of...
Wednesday 20 January 2010
Apple iSlate rumors go perhaps a step too far with talk of AMD GPU inside
There has been no shortage of rumors and speculation surrounding Apple's upcoming tablet PC (which for want of a better name will be referred to as the iSlate for the rest of this...
Friday 6 November 2009
Microsoft sees Taiwan as key cloud computing development center
One key reason that is seldom discussed as to why Microsoft has been able to enjoy continued successful with its Windows operating system in the PC and mobile device market is that...
Thursday 5 November 2009
Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer arrives in Taiwan for one day visit
While originally scheduled for a one day November 4 trip to Taiwan, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer slipped into Taiwan late November 3 amid little fanfare. Ballmer came to Taiwan to...
Friday 23 October 2009
Micron talks Windows 7 impact
Micron Technology has posted a Q&A blog post discussing the impact the company expects Windows 7 to have on the memory industry. Matthias Buchner, director of segment marketing...
Wednesday 23 September 2009
AUO announces carbon footprint verification on 32-inch LCD TV
AU Optronics today announced it has completed the carbon footprint verification on its 32-inch LCD TV set according to international carbon footprint standard PAS2050: 2008. Succeeded...
Friday 11 September 2009
AUO added to 2009 Dow Jones Sustainability Asia Pacific Index
AU Optronics (AUO) has announced that it has been selected as a constituent stock on the Dow Jones Sustainability Asia/Pacific Index (DJSI Asia/Pacific), making it the only pure TFT-LCD...
Monday 3 August 2009
Acer is quick to reiterate launch of dual-OS netbooks in September
Acer last week acted quickly to reiterate that it will launch its first dual-OS netbook with both Windows XP and Android in September 2009 as scheduled, following claims by industry...
Friday 24 July 2009
Questions remain as Foxconn reportedly reaches settlement with family of dead engineer
Foxconn (Hon Hai Precision Industry) is said to have reached a preliminary agreement with the family of an engineer who is believed to have killed himself after losing a prototype...
Wednesday 8 July 2009
Acer Shih needs to stop worrying about management problems at Dell and start looking a bit closer to home
Stan Shih, founder of Acer, has waded in with his opinion on the recent pair of pricing mix-ups by Dell Taiwan laying...