LG Electronics
LG Electronics integrates automotive electronics, electric vehicle power and lighting technologies. LG Electronics' Mobility Division (formerly Vehicle component Solutions) develops display devices and domain controller for vehicle cockpits, and monitors for vehicle interiors and exteriors. In addition, LG Electronics acquired ZKW in Austria in 2018 to supply automotive headlights, and LG Electronics has a joint venture with Magna for LG Magna e-Powertrain to develop electric vehicle power technology, which will provide drive motors and electronic control products such as Inverter and OBC.
Business Info
IndustryConsumer Electronics
Place of ResidenceSouth Korea
Market Cap - End of 2022 ($M) 11,268
2021 Revenue ($M)66,086
Rank of 2021 Revenue12
2021 Profit ($M)912
Rank of 2021 Profit60