Dongfeng Motor Group
Dongfeng Motor is a wholly state-owned enterprise of China. Its main business operations are the production, assembly, import, export, and sales of passenger cars, trucks, automotive assemblies, parts and components. The company also engages in automotive financing, insurance, and the used car business. Through Dongfeng Motor Corporation, a listed company in Hong Kong, Dongfeng Motor owns several joint ventures and wholly-owned automotive operating entities. While China is Dongfeng Motor's primary market, the company has R&D sites in Sweden and production sites in the Middle East, Africa, and Southeast Asia. It is also one of the three major shareholders of the French company PSA Group.
Business Info
IndustryAutomotive Manufacturing
Place of ResidenceChina (incl. Hong Kong)
2021 Revenue ($M)17,508
Rank of 2021 Revenue54
2021 Profit ($M)1,763
Rank of 2021 Profit32