China smartphone industry, 1Q 2024

Luke Lin, DIGITIMES Research, Taipei


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China's smartphone industry shipped a total of close to 160 million smartphones worldwide in the first quarter of 2024 and will see the volumes climb up further in the second quarter.

According to DIGITIMES Research's statistics and analysis, the first quarter of 2024 was the off-season for overseas markets. In addition, demand in the Chinese market weakened after the Singles' Day shopping festival in the previous quarter.

Chinese smartphone vendors' shipments fell by 12.1% quarterly. However, compared to the low base in the same period of 2023, the first-quarter 2024 shipments jumped 19.5%.

In the second quarter of 2024, the 618 shopping festival will arrive in the Chinese market in June, and overseas markets are gradually emerging from the off-season. It is expected that Chinese smartphone vendors' shipments will increase by 4.5% quarter-on-quarter.

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Price: NT$28,800 (approx. US$900)