Generative AI Applications Hackathon winner Sitta created AI-enabled interactive experience, boosting gamers' stickiness to gaming machines

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According to a market research report, the global gaming market is set to exceed a value of US$525 billion in 2025. Taiwan-based gaming machine manufacturers enjoy an established presence in the global gaming market for the premium quality and reasonable pricing of their products.

Jumbo Technology assigned the problem for the games and entertainment division of the AI Wave: Taiwan Generative AI Applications Hackathon, held on May 19, 2024, by DIGITIMES, asking the participating teams to identify and integrate games with generative AI to enhance gamer experience and platform operation efficiency. Jumbo Technology also provided resources and data for the teams to use.

The team named Sitta, comprising Heng-Jia Huang, Xin-Hua Li, Li-Ci Gu from the Department of Information Management, Chung Yuan Christian University, used Anthropic Claude 3 Sonnet on Amazon Web Services (AWS) Amazon Bedrock, a fully managed service offering a choice of high-performing foundation models from leading AI companies, to analyze gamers' movements and expressions and thereby allow electronic gaming machines to make appropriate responses in real-time. Sitta stood out from a group of strong competitors and won the honorable mention award, voted unanimously by all the judges.

The enormous value of the global gaming market also gives rise to fierce competition among gaming machine manufacturers. Whether they can outperform the competition hinges on their ability to ensure profitability for casino owners and increase gamers' stickiness to gaming machines.

Aiming to use generative AI to enhance interactive experience, Sitta developed AI-based analyses of gamers' movements, voices, and facial expressions. Based on these analyses, they built satisfaction and recommendation, emotion and preference analyses, gamer quit time and probability prediction, and other innovative features. The team hopes by enabling gaming machines to make real-time responses that meet gamer expectations, their solution will create a win-win-win situation for gaming machine manufacturers, casino owners, and gamers.

For example, concerning satisfaction and recommendation, if AI-based analyses of the gamer's expressions indicate that the gamer may be unsatisfied with the odds, the solution will immediately recommend another type of game to keep the gamer in the casino. When AI-based analyses of the gamer's behavior data indicate that the gamer is about to leave the slot machine or the casino, the solution can offer a restaurant or hotel coupon to please the gamer and encourage re-visits.

Moreover, for first-timers, an AI assistant will provide game instructions to spur their interest in the game. Sitta thinks if their generative AI solution can tap casino data, it will be able to provide responses that better fit gamers' expectations.

Sitta, winner of the Generative AI Applications Hackathon, created AI-enhanced interactive experiences to boost gamer engagement with gaming machines

Sitta, winner of the Generative AI Applications Hackathon, created AI-enhanced interactive experiences to boost gamer engagement with gaming machines