Tuesday 4 September 2012
Taiwan IC backend firms look to expand in Korea
Recent moves by Advanced Semiconductor Engineering (ASE) and Ardentec suggest that Taiwan-based IC packaging and testing houses are looking to expand their presence in South Korea,...
Friday 17 August 2012
Ardentec 2Q12 profits up over 40%
Ardentec, an IC testing firm whose major clients include Texas Instruments (TI) and Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC), has reported a 42.6% sequential increase in...
Thursday 16 August 2012
Ardentec to increase 2012 capex by 50%
Ardentec, a Taiwan-based provider of IC testing services, plans to increase its capex for 2012 by 50% to NT$1.2 billion (US$40.05 million) to ramp up its testing capacity for logic...
Wednesday 11 July 2012
Ardentec June revenues hit record
Ardentec, a Taiwan-based provider of IC testing services, reported consolidated revenues of NT$466 million (US$15.6 million) for June hitting a monthly record due to increased orders...
Thursday 28 June 2012
Ardentec seeking more outsourcing from US, Japan-based IDMs
Ardentec, a Taiwan-based provider of wafer and mixed-signal IC testing services, has been eager to obtain orders from US- and Japan-based IDM firms. The testing house is looking to...
Tuesday 12 June 2012
IC testing firms see sales continue to rise in May-June
Sales at major IC backend service companies, including King Yuan Electronics (KYEC), Sigurd Microelectronics, STATS ChipPAC Taiwan Semiconductor and Adventec, all continued to trend...
Wednesday 16 May 2012
Ardentec sees increasing orders for logic IC testing
Ardentec, a Taiwan-based provider of wafer and mixed-signal IC testing services, has received increasing orders for logic IC testing including MCUs, controllers and application processors,...
Friday 20 April 2012
Ardentec to post sales growth in 2Q12 on order pick-up
Testing specialist Ardentec is expected to see its monthly revenues rise sequentially through June, thanks to rising orders for logic ICs and stable growth in business with IDM companies...
Thursday 12 April 2012
IC backend houses optimistic about 2Q12
Most Taiwan-based semiconductor assembly and test service companies have adopted a positive attitude toward the second quarter of 2012 judging from the orders received thus far, and...
Monday 26 March 2012
Taiwan IC testing houses see rebound in March
King Yuan Electronics (KYEC), Ardentec, STATS ChipPAC Taiwan Semiconductor (SCT) and Sigurd Microelectronics, four Taiwan-based providers of IC testing services, have seen orders...
Friday 16 March 2012
Ardentec sees sales bottom out in 1Q12
IC testing house Ardentec expects sales to start growing after hitting bottom in the first quarter of 2012, as orders, particularly those placed by Europe-based customers, pick up...
Tuesday 14 February 2012
STATS ChipPAC Taiwan revenues pushed up by orders from TSMC, says report
Testing house STATS ChipPAC Taiwan Semiconductor, a subsidiary of Singapore-based STATS ChipPAC, saw its January revenues rise 9% sequentially buoyed by a pull-in of orders for logic...
Tuesday 17 January 2012
Taiwan IC testing houses to post single-digit sales drop in 1Q12
Taiwan-based IC testing specialists including King Yuan Electronics (KYEC) and Ardentec are likely to see their first-quarter revenues decrease 5-10% sequentially affected by clients'...
Friday 25 November 2011
Ardentec to post better-than-expected 4Q11 results
Wafer probing service provider Ardentec is expected to post flat sequential growth in fourth-quarter revenues, beating its internal forecast of a 5-10% decrease, according to market...
Wednesday 24 August 2011
Sigurd to buy back stock
Taiwan-based testing company Sigurd Microelectronics plans to buy back three million shares of its common stock at a price range between NT$15 (US$0.52) and NT$25 per share from August...