Touchscreen IC design house Elan Microelectronics, which has accused Apple of infringing its multi-touch technology, has filed another lawsuit with the US International Trade Commission...
Elan Microelectronics has denied reports saying it has settled its patent lawsuit with Apple for US$70 million. The company indicated the suit is still under deliberation by the US...
Touchscreen IC suppliers Elan Microelectronics and Egalax-Empia Technology (EETI) are expected to see second-quarter revenues grow by more than 20%, outperforming many other Taiwan-based...
Taiwan-based touch panel controller makers, including Elan Microelectronics, Egalax-Empia Technology (EETI), Weltrend and Ene Technology, are positive about their outlook for March...
Elan Microelectronics has filed a patent infringement complaint with the Las Vegas Justice Court against China-based Pixcir, according to the company. Pixcir's Tango S32 microcontrollers...
Taiwan's Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) has signed an agreement with AU Optronics (AUO) and Elan Microelectronics to co-develop flexible e-paper and touchscreen flexible...
Elan Microelectronics expects to ship 500,000-600,000 touchscreen ICs used in handsets in the fourth quarter, about three times the volume it shipped in the third quarter. However,...
Elan Microelectronics has recently landed more orders for touchscreen IC and module solutions, with order visibility extending into the first half of 2010, according to market sources...
The current prices of 3.5-inch touch panel modules have dropped to US$9-11 compared to US$16-18 one year ago, and the chip prices for the segment has also been reduced to under US$2...
Synaptics has secured touchscreen solution orders for Nokia's recently announced X-series handsets, according to market sources. Synaptics is expected to see record shipments of touchscreen...
Elan Microelectronics' third-quarter revenues are expected to see strong growth as its shipments of touch panel IC and module solutions for notebooks and handsets will increase thanks...
Taiwan-based IC designers Elan Microelectronics and Prolific Technology will partner with Israel-based IDesia for development of touch panel solutions targeting the global health...
Synaptics, Cypress and Elan Microelectronics are expected to see strong growth in the second half of 2009 thanks to the popularity of touchscreen applications, according to market...
Pixart Imaging, Elan Microelectronics and Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology (ESMT) are expected to support MediaTek's smartphone handset chip solutions with specific product lines,...
Taiwan-based IC designers Elan Microelectronics and Sonix Technology are developing optical touchscreen solutions, according to the industry sources. Their fellow CMOS sensor supplier...