Tuesday 15 September 2009
Quartz component makers to see double-digit growth in 4Q09
Taiwan-based quartz component makers TXC and Harmony Electronics (HELE) are seeing full utilization rates thanks to orders from notebook, handset and smartphone makers. Both companies...
Friday 14 August 2009
Taiwan quartz component revenues expected to grow 15% in 3Q09
Taiwan quartz component makers TXC and Harmony Electronics (HELE) are expected to see a 15% sequential growth in their third-quarter revenues mainly due to increasing orders for frequency...
Tuesday 4 August 2009
Taiwan quartz device makers to expand capacity
Taiwan quartz component maker TXC will procure equipment to develop more products, while fellow maker Tai-Saw Technology (TST) will add equipment to expand its production capacity...
Thursday 16 July 2009
Quartz component makers see 2Q09 sales up, cautious about 3Q09
TXC and Harmony Electronics (HELE) saw sales growth in the second quarter of 2009, both sequentially and on year, thanks to a warming up of demand. However, both quartz component...
Wednesday 1 April 2009
TXC leads Taiwan quartz component makers in 2008 EPS
Taiwan-based quartz-component maker TXC has announced a net EPS of NT$3.56 (US$0.11) for 2008, outperforming other domestic peers including Harmony Electronics (HELE), Tai-Saw Technology...