Industry sources indicate that while the Japanese government maintains high expectations for Rapidus, contingency plans are being developed. Recently appointed Shigeru Ishiba, Japan's...
In mid-October, Yuichi Horita, president of JASM, TSMC's subsidiary in Japan, announced that the fab will operate on 100% renewable energy upon its launch, setting a precedent ahead...
Taiwan's Minister of Economic Affairs J.W. Kuo led a delegation to Japan and visited the construction site of TSMC's Kumamoto plant (JASM) on September 24. He also met with the governor...
Japan has implemented additional tax incentives and other measures to vigorously pursue ambitious efforts aimed at rebuilding its semiconductor industry.
According to data from the Kyushu Bureau of Economy, Trade, and Industry, from April 2021 to June 2024, there have been 100 new semiconductor-related investments announced or reported,...
As Japan prepares to import its first-ever EUV lithography systems, ASML, the sole technology provider, plans to boost its local workforce significantly.
Japan Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing (JASM), a subsidiary of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC), is set to significantly increase its workforce in spring 2025...
Sony Semiconductor Solutions (SSS), the semiconductor subsidiary of Sony, announced in May 2023 that it had acquired land in Kōshi, Kumamoto, for a new factory, with plans to...
Thanks to TSMC's investments in Kumamoto and its commitment to local sourcing, semiconductor material suppliers, including Tokyo Ohka Kogyo (TOK), Organo, and Sumco, are clustering...
TSMC and Japan's Kumamoto University have announced a collaboration to cultivate semiconductor talent and conduct semiconductor research. Ever since TSMC built a wafer fab in Kumamoto...
Microchip Technology has announced an expansion of its partnership with TSMC to enable specialized 40nm manufacturing capacity at Japan Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing (JASM),...
Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida visited Japan Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing (JASM), a Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) subsidiary in Kumamoto, Kyushu,...