Samsung Electronics and the Tamil Nadu government confirmed that workers at the Tamil Nadu factory have ended their strike, effectively concluding a labor protest that lasted more...
iKala and TPIsoftware have announced a collaboration aimed at bringing AI transformation consulting and implementation services to Vietnam while deepening partnerships with local...
Airlines worldwide are staring down a supply chain crisis that shows no sign of abating in 2024. As the industry attempts to recover from pandemic shocks, material shortages, labor...
In light of the escalating trade conflict between the US and China, coupled with the 2020 pandemic-induced global chip shortage, numerous nations are prioritizing local semiconductor...
Amid sub-replacement fertility, population aging, and a shrinking labor force, the Executive Yuan has agreed to the National Development Council's (NDC) newest policy. The government...
With Industry 4.0 gaining momentum, the manufacturing sector is rapidly embracing digitalization, automation, and intelligence to reduce labor reliance and enhance production efficiency...
As the strike at Samsung Electronics' Indian plant continues, the company has reportedly filed a lawsuit against union members, further escalating tensions between multinational corporations...
TSMC has seemingly picked a challenging time to build its first wafer fab in Europe, as the automobile industry it's targeting faces significant upheaval. Europe's major marques and...
At the SEMICON Taiwan 2024, Scott Huang, president of Chunghwa Precision Test (CHPT), a leading probe card manufacturer, remarked that the second half of 2024 is expected to outperform...
As Apple urges its suppliers to diversify production, especially by expanding into India, Apple and its suppliers have emerged as significant job creators in the country.
Smart manufacturing is reducing the industry's reliance on human labor and opening the door to green manufacturing amid the global push for environmental, social, and governance (ESG)...
Many chipmakers have disclosed delays or suspensions in their new European fab projects; however, TSMC's are proceeding more efficiently than those of their competitors.
To seize the European market, Samsung Display (SDC) established a production site in Slovakia. However, as its main client, Samsung Electronics, progresses towards internalized production...
Following investments in wafer fabs in the US and Japan, TSMC is scheduled to hold a groundbreaking ceremony for its wafer fab in Dresden, Germany, on August 20. The fab is expected...
Intel's underwhelming second-quarter 2024 financial results have prompted the company to announce plans to cut 15% of its workforce, approximately 15,000 employees, aiming to save...