Friday 28 June 2024
Computing is the new currency: Axelera AI bags US$68 million, eyes for global AI expansion
Netherlands-based Axelera AI, an AI acceleration hardware and software provider has announced the successful completion of their US$68 million Series B financing round.
Thursday 27 June 2024
India asks local government to investigate Foxconn hiring practices
After a Reuters report indicating Foxconn may be barring married women from working at its Indian facility in Tamil Nadu, the Indian government asked the state government to investigate...
Thursday 27 June 2024
SDC to focus personnel on OLED R&D; consider introducing 64-hour workweek
Facing increasing competition from rivals in its OLED business, Samsung Display (SDC) is reportedly transferring internal technical personnel to the small and medium-sized OLED development...
Thursday 16 May 2024
Microsoft's China AI teams face relocation amid US tightened restrictions
Microsoft's headquarters has reportedly instructed the head of its China division to require its Chinese AI developers to either relocate to countries such as the United States and...
Tuesday 14 May 2024
Intel names new head for foundry services
Intel has announced the appointment of Kevin O'Buckley as senior VP and GM of Foundry Services, the customer service and ecosystem operations division of Intel Foundry. O'Buckley...
Thursday 2 May 2024
Compal to be first Taiwan-based downstream electronics maker headed by foreigner
Personnel changes at leading notebook ODM Compal Electronics are rumored to include a bombshell announcement.
Tuesday 20 January 2009
Taiwan market: Samsung Taiwan expected to announce personnel change
A management reshuffle at Samsung Electronics Taiwan will likely be announced soon in line with the recently-announced reorganization moves at the company's headquarters, industry...