Wednesday 1 December 2021
Server ODMs expect server component shortage to persist through 2H22
Quanta Cloud Technology (QCT), a subsidiary of Quanta Computer specializing in the manufacture of datacenter servers, expects chip shortages, particularly the shortage of power management...
Tuesday 20 July 2021
Server makers gearing up for 5G edge computing boom
Server makers are gearing up to tap the high-margin edge computing market segment, which is expected to expand rapidly with the availability of 5G.
Tuesday 11 May 2021
Server makers eyeing double-digit shipment increases in 2Q21
Server makers including Quanta Computer, Wiwynn, MiTAC Computing Technology (MCT) and Inventec have all estimated their second-quarter 2021 server shipments to see double-digit sequential...
Tuesday 27 April 2021
Quanta new capacity in Taiwan to start production in 2Q21
Quanta Computer's newly expanded server capacity in Taiwan will begin volume production in the second quarter and raise the ODM's overall server output from Taiwan by 20%, according...
Monday 18 January 2021
Inventec teams up with Affirmed Networks to develop 5G smart factory solutions
Inventec has said that it is developing 5G smart manufacturing solutions in cooperation with Affirmed Networks, a Microsoft subsidiary, which plays a platform and application software...
Tuesday 12 January 2021
Customized 5G private networks: Q&A with Quanta Cloud Technology president Mike Yang
Following years of deployments in 5G-based ORAN (open radio access network), Quanta Cloud Technology (QCT), a subsidiary of Quanta Computer, has set sail on a new journey to help...
Friday 18 December 2020
Taiwan server makers upbeat about shipment prospects for 2021
Taiwan's server makers are generally upbeat about their shipment prospects for 2021 thanks mainly to strong demand for datacenter applications and server replacement boom to be driven...
Thursday 3 December 2020
Foxconn, Quanta foraying into O-RAN hardware supply
As 5G commercialization shifts into high gear, ICT hardware makers including Foxconn Technology and Quanta Computer are eyeing business opportunities that are emegring significantly...
Thursday 3 December 2020
Quanta upbeat about server shipments in 2021
Quanta Computer expects to post a double-digit increase in server shipments this year followed by another double-digit growth in 2021.
Friday 27 November 2020
O-RAN equipment market revving up
More Taiwan-based IT companies, including Quanta Cloud Technology, Wistron and Accton Technology, are gearing up to develop network devices and solutions for the emerging 5G open...
Friday 20 November 2020
More Taiwan IT companies developing solutions for 5G enterprise networks
More and more Taiwan-based IT companies are developing networking solutions for the emerging 5G designated enterprise networks dedicated to vertical applications, according to industry...
Friday 13 November 2020
Cloud server makers to see double-digit shipment increases in 2021
Taiwan server manufacturers including Foxconn, Wiwynn, Quanta Cloud Technology and Inventec are all optimistic that their shipments for 2021 will see double-digit annual increases,...
Tuesday 3 November 2020
Cloud server demand picking up, but facing pandemic variables
Cloud server demand has started picking up in the fourth quarter of 2020, but concerns have emerged whether a fresh wave of coronavirus infections in the US and Europe will again...
Wednesday 28 October 2020
Quanta gearing up for enterprise digital transformation market
Quanta Cloud Technology (QTC) is gearing up to develop digital transformation solutions integrating server hardware and software to better serve enterprise clients, according to the...
Monday 26 October 2020
More Taiwan IT companies to tap 5G Open RAN device market
A growing number of Taiwan-based IT companies are showing great interest in catering to the network equipment market, aiming to roll out related solutions for the 5G Open RAN sector,...