Tuesday 7 May 2024
Taiwan's tech firms rally for smart manufacturing standardization
In Taiwan's dynamic industrial landscape, the...
Tuesday 30 April 2024
Revolutionizing manufacturing through AI: highlights from the 2024 AI Expo
The 2024 AI Expo, held at the Expo Dome in Taipei Expo Park from April 24th to 26th showcased cutting-edge AI innovations in smart manufacturing. Three keynote...
Monday 29 April 2024
Hon Hai's ambitious plan: crafting a super app for smart cities using 10 LLMs
In a bold move towards transformation, Hon Hai has outlined its strategic pivot, emphasizing the pivotal role of AI and the development of smart cities and electric...
Monday 11 December 2023
5G-ACIA signs MOU with TAICS to foster platform of cooperation with Taiwanese ICT manufacturers
The 5G Alliance of Connected Industries and Automation (5G-ACIA) recently visited Taiwan, whose first-ever visit to the island was deemed a significant event. Industry experts said...
Friday 8 December 2023
Foxconn pivots into software with threefold interconnected strategy
As part of Foxconn's 3+3 transition strategy, the company is building upon its traditional strengths in its expansion to software, incorporating the latest AI technology into its...
Thursday 7 December 2023
With new Kaohsiung software R&D center, Foxconn aims high for Taiwan's software industry
With the new Kaohsiung software R&D center, Foxconn aims high for Taiwan's software industry.
Thursday 16 November 2023
Ennoconn holds hundreds of billions in orders, says chairman Chu Fu-Chuan
Motherboard and hardware provider Ennoconn has posted stellar results for the third quarter of 2023 with its multi-pronged approach in an uncertain market. The company has seen growth...
Monday 25 May 2020
FII chairman sees 4 stages of smart manufacturing
Smart manufacturing, in the trend of Industry 4.0, should be implemented in four stages: automation, digitization, network-based connectivity, and fully smart, according to Li Junqi,...
Tuesday 31 March 2020
Taiwan developing smart machinery in 3 stages
Taiwan Association of Machinery Industry (TAMI) has worked with ICT industries and academic organizations to formulate short-, mid- and long-term strategies for developing smart machinery...
Friday 27 March 2020
Fu Chun Shin works with ITRI to develop smart manufacturing solution for injection molding
Fu Chun Shin Machinery Manufacture (FCS), with help from Taiwan government-sponsored Industrial Technology Research Institute, (ITRI) has developed a smart sensing solution for online...
Tuesday 23 April 2019
Qisda obtains certifications for collaborative robot-based production lines
EMS provider Qisda has obtained ISO 10218 and ISO/TS (technical specification) 15066 international certification for collaborative robot-based production lines at its automated factory...