Xiaomi has inaugurated its first store in Singapore, marking a strategic move to enhance its presence in the Southeast Asian market, with a particular focus on home appliances. The...
In a milestone achievement for Xiaomi's automotive division, the company's 100,000th SU7 electric vehicle rolled off the production line on November 13. CEO Jun Lei commemorated the...
Xiaomi recently launched the luxury all-electric sports car model SU7 Ultra, priced at approximately US$114,000. The company claims that the SU7 Ultra will become the world's fastest...
Xiaomi's India business faced a significant setback in the 2023 fiscal year, with both revenue and net profit experiencing steep declines. The company is now pinning its hopes on...
The Beijing International Automotive Exhibition will return this week following a four-year hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic, with major car vendors and startups all raring to...
Industry teardown reports have unveiled the initial group of on-board storage providers for Xiaomi's SU7, with Micron Technology taking the lead in supplying LPDDR4 and UFS on-board...
Xiaomi Corp.'s $8 billion stock rally faces a key test when the Chinese smartphone giant unveils its first electric vehicle Thursday, as it attempts to muscle into an unfamiliar and...