Startups and innovations
Take a look at the innovative ideas, products and services that startups offer.
Tuesday 16 October 2018
NextDrive and partners jointly release IoT gateway-based smart lock
Taiwan startup NextDrive has recently announced the latest application of its cube devices, a smart IoT gateway, to remote-control smart locking system developed in cooperation with...
Monday 15 October 2018
InforCharge pushing facial recognition wireless charge system for advertisement opportunity
Taiwan-based wireless charging solution provider InforCharge has expanded its business reach to the multimedia advertisement area and has adopted artificial intelligence (AI) facial...
Friday 12 October 2018
Smart power management platform adopted for Taipei schools
Taipei's Education Department has adopted a cloud computing-based smart platform to manage power use at 299 city-run schools.
Friday 12 October 2018
Armenia and Taiwan can learn from each other
Armenia, with 96% of its terrirtory covered by mountains, has a population of some three million, but the Armenian diaspora amounts to about 10 million people who have had to leave...
Friday 12 October 2018
Synopsys Armenia provides cradle for quality IT talent
Having developed a solid presence in Armenia, US-based electronic design automation (EDA) solutions provider Synopsys has spared no efforts fostering young Armenia IT talent through...
Thursday 11 October 2018
Armenia aims at major role in global tech market, says Ucom founder
In Armenia, Aleksandr Yesayan, co-founder and business development director of telecom operator Ucom, is an iconic entrepreneur, as he founded the company in 1998 at the age of only...
Tuesday 9 October 2018
Armenia seeking to build science park with Taiwan experience, says IT minister
Deeply aware of Taiwan's robust tech prowess, Armenia hopes that industries in both countries can build closer partnerships and that more young tech talent can complement each other...
Friday 5 October 2018
Blockchain can boost smart medical payment security, says Innova executive
While advanced hospitals are adopting smart systems to let patients save payment time, blockchain technology can be applied to further boost quality and security of the systems, according...
Friday 5 October 2018
Taipei mayor outlines smart city concepts
Taipei has been workign towards becoming a smart city based on three core concepts: government as a platform, city as a living laboratory, and innovation is the DNA of development,...
Wednesday 3 October 2018
DRAM market braces for slower growth, says IC Insights
The DRAM market is known for being very cyclical and after experiencing strong gains for two years, historical precedence now strongly suggests that the DRAM ASP will soon begin trending...
Tuesday 2 October 2018
LuggAgent building RFID-based global luggage tracking platform
LuggAgent International is aggressively creating a standardized international luggage delivery and tracking platform by widely applying the radio frequency identification (RFID) technology...
Friday 28 September 2018
Startups must be innovative in serving customers, says Facebook executive
What counts most for innovation startups lies not in business models but in how to serve customers, and therefore startups must work hard to find ways to solve problems for customers...
Wednesday 26 September 2018
Taiwan Edison unveils PV- and wind-powered LED streetlamp
Taiwan Edison Creative Technology has unveiled an LED street lamp independently powered by a PV module, a 1,150W mini wind turbine in combination with a 1,200W energy storage batte...
Friday 21 September 2018
WayRay unveils holographic AR navigation system for cars
Switzerland startup WayRay has newly developed the world's first holographic AR (augmented reality) navigation system for cars, allowing drivers to focus on the road and make driving...
Tuesday 18 September 2018
Leadin offers AI-driven B2B wealth management solutions
Many tech startups are actively applying newly emerging technologies to carry out smart wealth management services amid the ever-expanding financial investment portfolios. Among them,...