Taiwan's government plans to raise the cap on China-based firms investing in Taiwan's LED industry. Some Taiwan-based LED firms welcome the opportunity to work with China-based peers...
The list of firms that have been chosen in China's first round of LED lighting subsidies has been announced. Market observers believe the 39 firms will obtain a total subsidy for...
Taiwan-based LED epitaxial wafer and chip maker Epistar had September revenues of NT$1.616 billion (US$54.7 million), representing a decrease on month of 6.09%, while LED packaging...
The Taiwan government will announce a plan for the purchase of up to 250,000 street lamps through an open bid, with the tendering to be held in November and the results to be announced...
The Taiwan government plans to increase 2012 energy-saving subsidies from the original NT$700 million (US$23 million) to NT$1.4 billion, according to Yen-Shiang Shih, Minister of...
Taiwan's Executive Yuan has been discussing the possibility of increasing the investment limit of China-based funds to Taiwan's LED industry. According to Robert Yeh, chairman of...
Despite increasing orders in the third quarter, gross margin among Taiwan-based LED makers has been falling significantly. LED packaging house Everlight has reportedly asked employees...
Starting September 2012, demand for AlGaInP LED has been weakening, according to LED chipmaker Epistar. Nevertheless, the firm added, demand for backlight applications is still strong,...
In response to the government's decision to postpone an increase in power prices originally scheduled for the December 10, 2012, Taiwan-based LED chip packaging company Everlight...
Sapphire substrate firms such as Crystalwise and Crystal Applied have both reported on-month decreases in August revenues. Crystalwise saw August revenues fall to NT$90 million (US$3.04...
Rising price competition and negative impact from the debt crisis in Europe have been causing Taiwan-based LED firms to report on-year decreases in their financial results for first-half...
LED chipmaker Epistar has announced July revenues of NT$1.667 billion (US$55.69 million), a decrease of 3.6% on month but a growth of 14.3% on year. LED packaging house Everlight...
Demand for LED light bulbs has been rising fast in 2012 but some labels have been exaggerating their quality. According to the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), 20%...
In cooperation with 7-11, Delta has announced the launch of an omni-directional LED light bulb. The firm indicated the first batch will be 300,000 units and it expects all to be sold...
Taiwan-based LED packaging house Everlight passed to motion to secure a syndicated bank loan of NT$6 billion (US$200 million) over a period of five years at a recent board of directors...