Tuesday 1 February 2011
Intel completes acquisition of wireless solution business from Infineon
Intel has announced that it completed the acquisition of Infineon Technologies' Wireless Solutions (WLS) business. The pair announced the US$1.4 billion deal on August 30, 2010.
Monday 13 September 2010
Apple to switch to Qualcomm chips, says paper
Apple reportedly is dropping Infineon solutions from its iPhone devices in favor of those made by Qualcomm, according to a recent report in the Chinese-language Commercial Times...
Monday 30 August 2010
Intel to buy Infineon wireless unit for US$1.4 billion
Infineon Technologies and Intel on August 30 jointly announced that they have entered into a definitive agreement to transfer Infineon's Wireless Solutions (WLS) business to Intel...
Monday 30 August 2010
Lantiq offers new solutions for digital home and NGN
Lantiq, the spin-off of Infineon's former wireline chip unit, has announced the latest of its 802.11n WLAN solutions with an integrated processor, a low-power VDSL2 chipset built...
Tuesday 24 August 2010
Thirty billion power conversion ICs enable power management applications, says Petrov Group
The analog power conversion IC segment dominates the power management market; it accounts for about 30 billion units and US$11 billion revenues with a forecast average growth rate...
Tuesday 10 August 2010
Power management ICs in portable devices represent nearly 40% of total analog IC revenues, says Petrov Group
The annual unit growth rate for portable devices is estimated at more than 12%, from about two billion in 2008 to over 3.4 billion devices in 2013. These devices have an increasing...
Friday 6 August 2010
Spreadtrum, MStar and Infineon gaining ground in China white-box handset market
Handset solutions vendors, including Spreadtrum Communications, MStar Semiconductor and Infineon Technologies, have gained ground in the white-box handset market at the expense of...
Thursday 5 August 2010
Infineon CFO departs, after company confirms talks over wireless chip unit
Marco Schroter has left his post as CFO and labor director of Infineon Technologies, effective immediately, according to Infineon. His departure "was caused by differences in...
Wednesday 9 June 2010
Power semiconductor market plummets in 2009, says IMS Research
The power semiconductor market declined 24% to US$10.1 billion in 2009, with the power module and discrete segments down 26% and 24%, respectively, from a year earlier, according...
Thursday 6 May 2010
Infineon leads 2009 automotive chip ranking, says Semicast
Infineon Technologies was the largest supplier of semiconductors to the automotive sector in 2009, according to Semicast Research. Freescale Semiconductor, for many years the leading...
Thursday 22 April 2010
Power transistor market to hit sales high in 2010, says IC Insights
After falling 16% in 2009, power transistor sales are expected to climb 31% in 2010 and reach a new record high of US$10.96 billion, according to IC Insights. The projected 31% growth...
Tuesday 16 March 2010
Chip industry profitability hits decade high, says iSuppli
Overall semiconductor supplier operating profitability rose to 21.4% in the fourth quarter of 2009, the highest level since fourth-quarter 2000 when it reached 24.7%, according to...
Thursday 25 February 2010
Sales of dual-SIM handsets to double in 2010, sources say
Sales of handsets with dual-SIM cards in the global market are expected to double in 2010 after the segment registered a strong growth of 74% in 2009, according to industry sources...
Wednesday 24 February 2010
Infineon files patent infringement lawsuit against Elpida
Infineon Technologies has announced that the company and its subsidiary Infineon Technologies North America filed a complaint with the US International Trade Commission (ITC) against...
Monday 21 December 2009
Memory segment to fall by less than overall chip revenues in 2009, says Gartner
Worldwide chip revenues are set to post a 11.4% decline in 2009, following 2008 when the revenues dropped 5.4%, according to Gartner. The research firm commented that 2009 will mark...