Italy held a referendum from June 12-13 and 95% of the citizens voted against nuclear power. Italy became the second largest industrial country to abandon the nuclear power projects...
Solar installations in Italy will reach 5.5GW this year, according to Valerio Natalizia, president of Gruppo Imprese Fotovoltaiche Italiane (GIFI), an Italian PV industry association...
The solar market focus has been on Italy's new incentive program. The market has been bleak and prices have been falling like dominoes. Industry sources wish to understand more of...
The current contraction of the solar market has affected solar firms worldwide. President and COO of China-based LDK, Xingxue Tong, thinks it is an imbalance before the transformation...
Despite the proposed monthly incentive cuts, the return on investment (ROI) for solar modules in Italy under the new incentive program remains attractive, industry sources stated...
According to industry observers, it will be unlikely for Italy's current incentive program to be extended to August. In addition, for systems that do not obtain grid connection by...
It is inevitable for the industry to go through turbulences these couple of years, Ellick Liao, chairman for Eversol has pointed out. It all began in 2008 when the Spanish government...
The new solar PV program recently announced by Italy includes additional incentives for solar modules made in Europe, which is seen as a "protection" policy for European-made...
While the Italian government has not yet finalized new PV feed-in tariffs, the following principles are almost solid: tariffs will be cut each month to reach a cumulative reduction...
The Italian government has announced PV system installations in the country will reach 7,000MW between January-June 2011. Adding this to the accumulated installation of 3,000MW at...
The April 28 scheduled announcement of Italy's incentive program was postponed and the current program will remain till the end of August. This was the result of irreconcilable differences...
Motech Industries has reported NT$10.24 billion (US$357 million) in consolidated revenues for the first quarter of 2011, down 20% sequentially. Gross margins slid to 12.5% from 19.9%...
A few second-tier China-based makers of polycrystalline silicon solar cells have reduced quotes to US$0.95/W, the lowest ever on record, according to industry sources in Taiwan.
Xingxue Tong, president and COO of China-based integrated solar firm LDK Solar, has recently boldly predicted a rebound of the solar market in 2-3 weeks despite the general pessimistic...
Italy's solar market went into overdrive in the fourth quarter of 2010, setting the stage for a doubling in photovoltaic (PV) installations in 2011, as global investment flows into...