Thursday 20 June 2024
Taiwan's solar sector struggles for survival amid land shortage
Chairman of Sino-American Silicon Products (SAS) and Taiwan Photovoltaic Industry Association, Hsiu-Lan Hsu, confirmed that the new cabinet's solar energy strategy remains opaque...
Wednesday 15 November 2023
The scale of China's solar energy capacity that meets global demand for the next decade?
In 2024, China is poised to achieve a total solar industry capacity of 1,000 GW, a level that can meet global demand for the next decade. Despite Europe and the US grappling with...
Thursday 19 October 2023
Blending art and tech: 'The Gleaners' in PV building materials
In AUO's diversified portfolio, the energy sector stands as a pivotal pillar alongside its renowned display technologies. AUO's innovative strides include the development of the SunBello...
Tuesday 29 August 2023
TSEC lands big PV module orders in Taiwan
Solar cell and PV module maker TSEC on August 28 announced to have obtained NT$3 billion (US$93.3 million) worth of orders for PV modules that will be established on fish farms in...
Wednesday 28 June 2023
Solar firm URE pursues growth through new business deployment
United Renewable Energy (URE), pursing growth opportunities from businesses beyond its core production of solar cells and modules, is considering entering the third-generation semiconductor...
Thursday 30 March 2023
TSEC to add new solar cell and module lines in 2Q23
Solar cell and PV module maker TSEC expects the arrival of new production capacity to boost its total output by over 30%.
Friday 6 January 2023
PV module imports hurt Taiwan suppliers, says SAS
Solar cell and photovoltaic (PV) module makers in Taiwan have seen their operations threatened by more imports from Southeast Asia, according to Doris Hsu, chairperson of Sino-American...
Friday 30 December 2022
Taiwan PV firms under pressure from Southeast Asian modules
Taiwan-based PV modules are coming under much pressure in their domestic market from competitions imported from Southeast Asia, according to industry sources.
Wednesday 28 December 2022
US, EU bid to reboot PV industry face challenges
The US Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) to be implemented in January 2023 will offer incentives to encourage local production of solar cells and modules, and the European Solar Manufacturing...
Friday 9 December 2022
Solar cell maker Motech cautious about capacity expansion
Taiwan-based PV module maker Motech Industries remains conservative about capacity expansions, as loose government policies benefit its international peers but constrain its growth...
Thursday 13 October 2022
IRA conducive to Taiwan PV makers' investment in US, says SAS chairwoman
The US Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) effective in mid-August 2022 encourages investment in manufacturing of PV products in the US by tax incentives and/or subsidies, and this affords...
Monday 20 June 2022
PV modules from Southeast Asia reportedly to see 10% price increase
Prices for PV modules imported to Taiwan from Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam and Cambodia will reportedly rise by about 10%, according to industry sources.
Thursday 21 April 2022
Taiwan imports PV modules worth US$16.85 million from Southeast Asia in 1Q22
Taiwan recorded imports totaling US$16.85 million for PV modules produced in Malaysia, Vietnam and Thailand in first-quarter 2022, 28.82% more than the US$13.08 million recorded in...
Tuesday 10 November 2020
Taiwan PV module makers see materials shortages
Taiwan-based PV module makers have been impacted by shortages of glass sheets, EVA (ethylene vinyl acetate) and POE (polyolefin elastomer) backplanes, which have pushed up BOM costs...
Monday 29 July 2019
US lowers anti-dumping tariffs for China-made solar cells, PV modules at 5th review
The US government, at the fifth review of the anti-dumping tariffs imposed on China-produced crystalline silicon solar cells and PV modules, has generally lowered final tariff rates...