Even with the birth of quantum computers, instruments for data collection and measurement will still need semiconductor components and Taiwan's ICT industry should see how they can...
Amid concerns that quantum computing could threaten the existence of the semiconductor industry, Taiwan's minister of science and technology Tsung-Tsong Wu has noted that his ministry...
Taiwan government-sponsored Institute for Information Industry (III) has developed Chameleon software to be matched with gateways, enabling Internet connection of machines and equipment...
Taiwan-based makers of medical devices and materials currently are technologically 2-3 years ahead of their Chinese competitors although the latter have a huge domestic market, said...
A presentation to showcase the achievements of Taiwan Advanced Instrumentation Project (TAIP) took place in Taipei recently. As part of the government's Forward-looking Infrastructure...
Micron Technology's two factories in Taiwan were recognized by the Global Lighthouse Network (GLN) under the World Economic Forum (WEF) in September 2020, according to the company's...
Government-sponsored Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) has developed a solution based on digital CNC (computer numerical control) to facilitate system integration and...
Mechanical motion control component maker Hiwin Technologies has developed a multi-axis robot used to hold and position endoscopes during minimal invasive surgical operation through...
Taiwan Integrated Biomedical Industrial Center (TIBIC), a cross-discipline smart experiment field for medical care, has started operation, according to Ministry of Economic Affairs...
InnoCare Optoelectronics has disclosed its X-ray flat-panel detector has been integrated with expertise from College of Veterinary Medicine, National Pingtung University of Science...
Smart deliveries of components and materials to production lines will facilitate the entire manufacturing process and is therefore the first step to running smart factories, according...
Demand for industrial automation and smart manufacturing in Vietnam has been growing fast due to surging foreign investment in the country's manufacturing sector, according to industry...
Small- to medium-size manufacturers are important to Taiwan's economy, but most of them lack the human resources and cannot afford the expensive equipment and services needed for...
Leosys began its efforts in 2014 to develop an AI-based preventive healthcare platform for ophthalmoscopic eye exam through a collaboration project with Industrial Technology Research...