Monday 8 June 2015
Solartech expanding PERC solar cell capacity
Crystalline silicon solar cell maker Solartech Energy is expending annual PERC (passivated emitter and rear cell) solar cell production capacity from 80MWp currently to 320MWp by...
Monday 4 May 2015
GlobalWafers nets NT$1.40 per share for 1Q15
Semiconductor-grade silicon wafer maker GlobalWafers recorded consolidated revenues of NT$4.044 billion (US$132 million), gross margin of 25.20%, net operating profit of NT$688 million,...
Wednesday 29 April 2015
Solartech Energy showcases 290W PV modules at SNEC PV Power Expo
Crystalline silicon solar cell maker Solartech Energy is exhibiting a PV module with power output of 290W at the SNEC PV Power Expo 2015 in Shanghai, China during April 28-30, according...
Tuesday 14 April 2015
Solartech to suspend a solar cell line in Taiwan, says paper
Solar cell maker Solartech Energy will temporarily suspend one of its 11 production lines in Taiwan and continue operating the other 10 to maintain a local capacity utilization rate...
Friday 10 April 2015
DuPont offers front-side PV silver paste for use in PERC solar cells
DuPont has introduced Solamet PV76x-series front-side PV silver paste specifically for use in PERC (passivated emitter and rear cell) crystalline silicon solar cells, according to...
Thursday 2 April 2015
Solartech, Danen see mixed growth in March revenues
Crystalline silicon solar cell maker Solartech Energy saw its March consolidated revenues of NT$503 million (US$16.0 million) decrease 13.51% on month and 45.36% on year, while solar-grade...
Friday 27 March 2015
Green Energy Technology to not deal out dividend for 2014
Solar-grade crystalline silicon wafer maker Green Energy Technology (GET) on March 26 decided not to distribute any dividend for 2014, according to the company.
Monday 24 November 2014
Some Taiwan solar cell makers plan to cut personnel
Some Taiwan-based crystalline silicon solar cell makers, faced with price drops and decreased orders arising from the US imposition of preliminary anti-dumping tariffs at an average...
Friday 14 November 2014
Solartech sells 2 solar cell production lines for stake in Malaysia-based TS Solartech
Crystalline silicon solar cell maker Solartech Energy on November 13 announced the sale of two solar cell production lines to Malaysia-based strategic partner TS Solartech Sdn Bhd...
Tuesday 28 October 2014
Taiwan solar cell maker reportedly to relocate factory to Thailand
To avert the impact of US anti-dumping tariffs, a Taiwan-based crystalline silicon solar cell maker will relocate production lines with an initial annual capacity of 500MWp from Taiwan...
Friday 12 September 2014
Solartech, Tainergy to set up solar cell capacities abroad
Crystalline silicon solar cell makers Solartech Energy and Tainergy Tech have separately announced the establishment of solar cell production capacities in Malaysia and Vietnam res...
Tuesday 2 September 2014
Solartech Energy sees increased August revenues
Crystalline silicon solar cell maker Solartech Energy has reported consolidated revenues of NT$692 million (US$23.05 million) for August, increasing 19.84% sequentially and 6.09%...
Monday 4 August 2014
Solartech, Danen July revenues down sequentially
Solar cell maker Solartech Energy saw July consolidated revenues of NT$577 million (US$19.2 million) hit a 13-month low, decreasing 30.39% sequentially and 8.54%. Solar wafer maker...
Friday 1 August 2014
Solartech mulls shift of solar cell capacity abroad in response to US anti-dumping taxation
The US Department of Commerce has decided to impose heavy preliminary anti-dumping tariff rates on crystalline silicon solar cells and PV modules imported from Taiwan. Taiwan-based...
Friday 18 July 2014
Solartech, Giga Solar to set up PV power stations in Japan, says paper
Taiwan-based crystalline silicon solar cell maker Solartech Energy will invest NT$197.65 million (US$6.59 million) to set up a PV power station in Fukushima Prefecture, northeastern...