Thursday 23 November 2023
TTA puts supporting academic startups as key business, with focus on automotive, healthcare, and AI
At the 2023 Taoyuan FuturePeak event on November 21, the National Science Technology Council (NSTC)-funded and Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI)-commissioned Taiwan...
Friday 13 October 2023
NeuinX seizes sports image analysis opportunities and secures CES 2023 innovation awards
With the aim of attaining outstanding results in competitions, a global trend of combining sports and technology has ensued. Various sensor components are being combined and utilized...
Thursday 12 October 2023
FaceHeart seeks FDA clearance for image-based vital sign measurement technology to capitalize on telemedicine opportunities
Following the rapid spread of the COVID-19 pandemic since 2020, which has posed a serious challenge to medical facilities worldwide, governments have come to realize how precious...
Wednesday 11 October 2023
SME e-commerce's rapid emergence has spawned innovation revolution in global logistics industry
The rapid growth of e-commerce platforms has come in the wake of changes in consumer shopping patterns. And with the recent COVID-19 pandemic, online shopping has become both a common...
Friday 6 October 2023
TSGC establishes circular economy ecosystem - exclusive technology solves the challenges of end-of-life PV panels
The world has come to a consensus over the importance of developing renewable energies to mitigate the greenhouse effect and decrease our over-reliance on fossil fuels. In particular,...
Thursday 5 October 2023
Winning two consecutive CES awards, exclusive technology by Mbran Filtra attracts global partnerships
As the wave of ESG has overtaken the world, the 2023 Consumer Electronics Show (CES) held early this year centered around the theme of sustainable development to address global challenges...
Wednesday 4 October 2023
Blutech's one-stop service enables manufacturing industries to readily master carbon emissions data
In the face of the global net-zero emissions trend, Taiwan's manufacturing industries will need to provide comprehensive carbon emissions data to meet government regulations and customer...
Tuesday 3 October 2023
Profet AI helps companies overcome AI implementation challenges, showcases Taiwan's outstanding global achievements
In just the past few years, AI has become a crucial part of many smart applications. Then there is ChatGPT, which has surprised global companies ever since its debut in late 2022...
Monday 2 October 2023
DEEPX mass-produces AI accelerator chips, key to accelerating innovation and mainstreaming of smart vision applications
The recent craze over ChatGPT throws light on the underlying business opportunities of AI applications. AI applications driven by cloud services have attracted their fair share of...
Wednesday 13 September 2023
Taiwan initiates 10-year chip-driven innovation project to attract global talent, startups
Starting 2024, Taiwan will implement a 10-year chip-driven industrial innovation project aiming to attract young talent and startup teams from around the world to set up operations...
Monday 5 June 2023
3GPP member meeting to run June 12-16 in Taiwan for first time
The 3GPP, a global mobile communication standards organization, is set to hold its 100th member meeting in Taiwan on June 12-16, focusing on proposals for Release 19 standards. This...
Thursday 29 December 2022
NFT Bored Ape dancing party with PanelSemi at CES TTA main stage
Visitors to the Taiwan Tech Arena at CES 2023 in January will be greeted by a Bored Ape dance played on a gigantic 3D screen.
Friday 18 February 2022
Successful digital transformation with an open collaborative document platform
Digital transformation is an essential strategic move for companies to remain competitive in a world full of disruptions. Two things are fundamental to the success of all digital...
Tuesday 8 February 2022
Diverse demonstration site, TTA South, to satisfy the validation needs of startups
In response to the government's promotion of six core strategic industries and the Great South, Great Development policy, the expansion and growth of Southern Taiwan's startup...
Tuesday 4 January 2022
CES 2022: Lockists sets up platform for sharing scooters
Taiwan-based startup Lockists has developed an automated scooter sharing platform that can generate passive income for owners who rent out their scooters.