Global supply chain: Advanced economies
Advanced economies news coverage
Thursday 9 March 2023
Taiwan government to encourage telecom carriers to adopt more local-made equipment
The Taiwan government will push Taiwan-based telecom carriers to raise the ratio of made-in-Taiwan equipment adoption to 40% for their new 5G base station construction and will form...
Thursday 9 March 2023
Japan and Taiwan passive component suppliers turn focus to automotive
Japan- and Taiwan-based suppliers of MLCC and other passive components are devoting more resources to automotive applications, according to industry sources.
Thursday 9 March 2023
Notebook peripheral suppliers expect order pull-in momentum to resume in 2H23
Notebook component and peripheral suppliers expect customer order pull-in momentum to resume in the second half of 2023, according to industry sources in Taiwan.
Wednesday 8 March 2023
Taiwan panel makers keen on diversifying production sites
In the face of geopolitical uncertainty, Taiwan-based panel manufacturers, such as AUO and Innolux, are diversifying their manufacturing bases.
Wednesday 8 March 2023
US accounts for 16% of Taiwan exports in 2022
The US accounted for 15.7% of Taiwan's total exports in 2022, hitting an 18-year high, according to customs statistics. The ratio climbed further to 16.1% in February 2023.
Wednesday 8 March 2023
Panel makers remain cautious about ramping utilization rates
LCD panel makers remain cautious about ramping up the utilization rates of their LCD fabs, although TV panel prices have begun bouncing up, and quotes for IT applications show signs...
Wednesday 8 March 2023
Notebook ODMs see shipments bottom out
Notebook ODMs will soon see their shipments bottom out and recover from the second quarter, according to industry sources in Taiwan.
Wednesday 8 March 2023
Taiwan leadframe suppliers see promising demand for automotive SiC devices
Taiwan-based leadframe suppliers including Chang Wah Technology (CWTC), Jih Lin Technology and Shuen Der Industry (SDI) are seen as beneficiaries as more IDMs offer automotive silicon...
Tuesday 7 March 2023
Rapidus confirms its business model: advanced process chips, low quantity, wide variety, high unit price
Japan's Rapidus emphasized that its advanced process chip production must adopt a low quantity, wide variety model that accommodates client demands to survive in the market. This...
Tuesday 7 March 2023
Indonesian government unveils EV subsidy program targeting global automakers
Indonesia took a step forward to boost its EV market on March 6. The government announced a subsidy program for electric scooters, vehicles and buses. Officials said the country is...
Tuesday 7 March 2023
Pegatron to expand factory site in Mexico
Pegatron has announced plans to expand its factory site in Mexico, but has been tight-lipped about which products or customers the expanded facility will serve.
Tuesday 7 March 2023
Rapidus investors eyeing secure advanced chip capacity
Rapidus, a new Japanese wafer foundry with the goal of manufacturing 2nm chips, will set up a wafer fab at Chitose in Hokkaido, northern Japan. Its eight major investors, including...
Tuesday 7 March 2023
Taiwan memory makers step up development of automotive applications
Nanya Technology has achieved safety certification for its automotive LPDDR4 series from SGS-TUV, while Winbond Electronics is working to advance its manufacturing nodes to expand...
Monday 6 March 2023
Japan companies increase domestic investments due to geopolitical tensions and decreasing costs, says DIGITIMES Research
Japan-based firms' investments in their home market in 2022 were more robust than in years past and three main factors were the driver for their relocation back to Japan, according...
Monday 6 March 2023
With Japanese government subsidizing semiconductors, who benefits?
The Japanese government will again subsidize the production and development of semiconductors in Japan with a supplementary government budget for fiscal year 2022 (April 2022 to March...