Boasting accurate recognition, flexible deployment and friendly cost, AIRA's AI solutions revolutionize security management

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Security is the most vital part of property management. A property security management system has to overcome challenges such as stringent security regulations and the integration of system data of various places and formats. In view of rapidly growing AI adoption in recent years, many property security management system developers are attempting to incorporate AI to address challenges. However, the high costs of GPU-based AI systems make them hesitant. AIRA offers a series of solutions that help overcome these challenges and build all-round smart security implementations.

AIRA is a Taiwan-based startup endeavoring on AI-enabled image analysis. Using in-house developed AI models and training processes, AIRA provides innovative solutions for residential buildings, factories, office complexes and industrial parks. Using onsite surveillance systems, AIRA's solutions can perform high-accuracy face recognition. It also issues alerts when intrusions occur in designated areas to effectively enhance jobsite security and management efficiency.

AIRA's solutions support flexible hardware configurations. It can effectively recognize images and process data when just running on Intel CPUs. With AIRA's solutions, there is no need for expensive special-purpose hardware or GPU accelerators to deploy AI systems. AIRA has presented multiple AI solutions tailored for a variety of industries and use scenarios. For example, its face recognition system is used for access control and attendance tracking. Its smart fence system implements virtual fencing and detects intrusion in a designated area with high accuracy and low false alarm rates. Its face tracking system extracts face feature values for comparison. It can track faces across cameras and video archives and automatically generate case reports for subsequent investigation.

Aside from buildings and factories, AIRA's AI solutions can create diverse values for different sectors. For example, retailers can use advanced image analysis to gather accurate in-store traffic data and track customer behavior so that they can optimize their marketing plans. Banking institutions can use advanced image analysis to verify visitor identity and detect abnormal behavior, thereby preventing financial fraud and identity theft. To improve the care quality and efficiency at nursing homes, AIRA's AI monitoring system can be used for access control to stop unaccompanied seniors from entering potentially dangerous areas such as stairwells and garden ponds or leaving the facility by themselves.

Flexible configuration, friendly cost and robust performance are what make AIRA's AI solutions the center of market attention. AIRA will continue to leverage cloud platforms and tools to accelerate AI feature development so as to deliver refined high-performance smart security solutions.

airaTrack allows users to select a target for tracking and plays back the video footages with the selected target

airaTrack allows users to select a target for tracking and plays back the video footages with the selected target
Photo: AIRA

airaTrack searches video archives for the target and plays back the video footages where the target is identified

airaTrack searches video archives for the target and plays back the video footages where the target is identified
Photo: AIRA